

NEWS: I’ve Started Fundamentals of Travel Photography Course at Matador U

Cactus Flower

Cactus Flower


I’ve Started Fundamentals of Travel Photography Course at Matador U

I’m excited to announce that I’ve finally started Matador U Fundamentals of Travel Photography Course.
I say ‘finally’ because I signed up and paid for three Matador U courses way back in Nov. 2014 while traveling around New Zealand. At the time, I knew I wouldn’t be able to start the courses until sometime in 2015. I had hoped to begin in February.

But as things evolved this year, I haven’t had a solid chunk of time to buckle down, focus and study until this month. Sigh. Well, better later than never, as they say!

As it is, I’ve only had time to start one of the three courses thus far.
But boy am I happy to get started on this photography course! In just one week I’ve already learned a lot about taking better photos. Yeah! I can hardly imagine how much I’m going to learn and improve my photography during the entire course, let alone in the Advanced Travel Photo Course that’s coming up afterward.


Sailing to the Gulf of Mexico

Sailing to the Gulf of Mexico

Based on what I’ve learned in Chpt. 1 alone, I’ve been able to assess my previous photos that I’ve been taking over the years with new eyes. I can easily see what are now obvious errors, errors which I previously had no clue about. I’ve learned several essential techniques and skills that I can improve upon. Even photos that I’d previously considered ‘great’ shots have obvious room for improvements.

This is all fantastic. My eye for assessing photos has already improved. My understanding of what makes acceptable, unacceptable and great photographs has already deepened.

All of this means, of course, that I will quickly be taking better photos. And presumably I’ll be learning many more skills, techniques and technical tips to greatly improve my photography over the coming months.

So get ready for even better photographs of my ongoing world travels here at LashWorldTour.

In the meantime, here are two shots I took for my first assignments on Composition using the Rule of Thirds and on Focus.

….and fast forward to my next Update on my Fundamentals of Photography Course if you’re interested in what the course teaches.


You might enjoy some of the photo galleries I’ve made during my world travels thus far:

Photo Galleries


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  1. 10 Advanced Photography Techniques and Habits

    […] wrote more about my Fundamental Photography Course here and the Advanced Course here. If you’re interested in improving your own photography, check […]

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