

My 10 Best Photo Galleries of 2015


Toliman Volcano with bed

Unique view of Toliman Volcano at Lake Atitlan

My 10 Best Photo Galleries of 2015

As many of you may already know, in 2015 I began focusing more seriously on travel photography. I enrolled in Matador U Travel Media School, where I joined two courses – Fundamentals of Travel Photography and Advanced Travel Photography. I learned tons of new skills, techniques and editing procedures. I also upgraded myself to a wonderful new Sony camera.

Perhaps ironically, during that time I actually created fewer photo galleries than usual on LashWorldTour. I was much too busy shooting, editing and submitting photos for my Matador U courses. However, I did manage to publish a few new photo galleries as well as photo essays, a new format for me.

Franz Josef Glacier Valley - New Zealand

Franz Josef Glacier Valley – New Zealand

Soon after my courses I resumed my usual life of travel by flying to Guatemala in November. I’ve been on the road ever since, continuing to focus more seriously on photography as part of my daily life and travels. I’ve created a few photo galleries and photo essays about Guatemala.

But to back things up a bit…January, 2015, found me finishing up six months of travels in New Zealand. From there I re-visited Australia for one month then my old stomping grounds of Bali, Indonesia and Penang, Malaysia before returning to the USA in April.

During that time I published several photo galleries from those countries as well.

As a result, my photography collection in 2015 spans the globe from far-flung New Zealand through SE Asia to the US and Central America.

Following are what I consider to be my best photographic works of the year, in chronological order. Please enjoy!

1. The Natural Beauty of New Zealand’s South Island

2. New Zealand’s Stunning Kepler Track

3. Spectacular Tunnel Beach – Dunedin, NZ

4. New Zealand’s Famous Abel Tasman Track

5. Morning at a Florida Beach – Photo Essay

6. Evenings at Sunset Beach, Florida – Photo Essay

7. My Best Travel Portraits

8. My Best Photos with Deep Depth of Field

9. 12 Views of Aqua Volcano from Antiqua – Guatemala

10. 12 Views of Toliman Volcano at Lake Atitlan – Guatemala


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  1. Introduction to Belize

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