Lash World Tour LOGOWelcome to LashWorldTour!

Here you’ll discover cultural insights, travel tips, and tales of adventure from 14+ years of world travel, plus photo galleries from around the world.

On LashWorldTour I hope you will be inspired. Inspired to travel. Inspired to follow your dreams.

stormy south coast of Sri Lanka
Get inspired by exquisite photo galleries from around the world, by quirky personal travel tales, by exciting outdoor adventures, by in-depth interviews with other world travelers, and by perspectives on living life following your dreams, whatever your dreams are.

COVER- Penulisan Temple

Learn about the world
. You’ll learn interesting facts about dozens of diverse countries, best scuba diving spots in Asia, cultural customs in far-off worlds, useful travel tips, advice and great attitudes to help you travel anywhere in the world.

diver on coral reef
What inspires you?
Exotic photos? Beautiful scenery or architecture? Insights into different cultures? Exhilarating outdoor adventures? Factual country information? Narrative travel stories? How-to tips and advice? Good mental attitudes? Find them all here in LashWorldTour.

How to find your way around this website:

Temple in Kyoto, Japan
Countries– If you’re interested in specific countries, head to the countries tab, where you’ll find factual informative posts, cultural insight posts, tips and personal travel stories from each country. Feel free to comment, share your stories, or ask me questions. I’m still traveling, so more countries and cultural insights are being added continuously.

Sacred Mt. Agung from SAnur Beach, Bali
Photo Galleries
Do photos of gorgeous scenery, exotic temples, amazing architecture, unusual cultural practices, stunning coral reefs or happy people inspire you to dream? Check out my extensive photos from all over the world. Even more to come!

local man carrying sea water to make salt in Amed, Bali
Cultural Insights– Learn about daily life, traditional arts, religious practices, and great museums around the world.

Lash  in Halong Bay, Vietnam
Travel Tales
– If you enjoy being entertained with personal stories of travel, adventure, mishaps, and opinions, head to Travel Tales. Dozens of adventure tales are awaiting your discovery there, with more to come on a weekly basis. Stop back regularly for more fun!

Lash in Nepal Himalayas-1
– If you’re into outdoor adventures of any kind, head to Adventures, where you can get my scoops on best scuba diving spots around Asia, tales of international cycling, sky diving, camping and hiking. You can also read about my WWOOF Volunteering experiences, my behind-the-scenes look at Survivor TV show when I worked on crew, and random travel misadventures.

view from international flight
Travel Tips
– Need help, advice, suggestions on travel? Here you’ll find my very popular ongoing series, ‘10 Free Things to do in…‘ for destinations all over the world. My other popular series How to Afford Long-Term World Travel explains how I and many other world travelers earn an income to keep traveling.

Besides that, find tips on accommodation, flights, handling money, travel safety, cutting costs, and more. I post new travel tips every week, based on my 14+ years of solo world travel. Come back regularly for ongoing help and ideas to make your travel successful, fun, and hassle-free.

Lainie and Miro of Raising Miro
Travel Resources
Still want more inspiration and learning opps? Here you’ll find dozens of interviews with other world travelers of all sorts: singles, couples, families, nomadic travelers, and those who make shorter travel ventures. Here you’ll also find links to other great travel blogs.

I also review travel books as well as boutique hotels, museums and adventure tours.

Hiking in Bali Guidebook

Travel Store
Want even more travel inspiration or know-how? LashWorldTour Travel Bookstore has the largest collection of books written by travel bloggers on the internet! Find hiking & cycling guidebooks, how-to guides, narrative travel stories and more.

Lash- up close in Amed

About Lash
– If you want to know more about me, Lash, and my travels you can also check out: What’s in a Name?Travel Fast Facts,   Missions, World Travels Overview, and Press coverage. Thanks for your interest.

Still want to know more? I’ve done several interviews, which cover different aspects of my travel life.

eBook '100 Free Things to do in Asia'You’re also welcome to connect with me on FB or write me an email on my contact form or Lash (at) LashWorldTour (dot) com. Ask away…

Got any questions? Shoot me an email, write in my contact form, or add your comments/Qs below any post on LashWorldTour. I check comments and emails regularly.

Lash World Tour LOGO Follow my adventures and travel tips on the following social platforms. My handle is ‘LashWorldTour’ on all:

Facebook  /  Twitter  /  Pinterest  /  G+  /  Jalbum – My Photos / LinkedIn  /  VK

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