Travel Resources


==>> In 2011 & 2012 I conducted weekly interviews with other long-term nomadic travelers, travel addicts and bloggers. There are 82 interviews in all.

Find other inspiring travelers: single women, single men, couples, families, and single parents with kids. Read about how, where, why and when they’ve been traveling the world.


Wandering Earl in Malaysia

You’ll find: adventure enthusiasts, culture addicts, party-goers and nature nuts.Travelers of Asia, Australia and New Zealand, North America, Europe, Middle East, Central and South America.  Professional writers, photographers, web designers, and bloggers. People out there following their dreams… Find the right people to inspire you to follow your dreams!



Lash taking a photo with birds at KL Bird Park


Since 2012 I’ve begun doing  reviews of  unusual boutique hotels, adventurous tours and intriguing museums that I come across during my travels.  Find out my recommendations! 



How to Live Life of Travel ebook - Darek Earl Baron - Wandering EarlTRAVEL BOOK REVIEWS

I’ve also been reviewing great travel books on a huge variety of topics. There are personal narrative travel novels; how-to guides for food, motorcycle travel, house-sitting and world travels. Most of these excellent books were written by other well-known travel bloggers.

travel resources- Lash World Tour LOGOLINKS PAGE

==> links to other great travel blogs and blogging platforms


Interested in cycling or hiking in Bali, Indonesia?
Want to score a free eBook on ‘100 Free Things to do in Asia’ ? Looking for inspiration to travel the world long term or short term? Looking for ways to finance your travels?
Wondering how to deal with electronics and internet connections out on the road?

Visit LashWorldTour Travel Bookstore, where you’ll find books on all these topics to help you get out and travel too!


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