

BIG NEWS: My Photography Site is now Live!

Calm Belize sunset over sea in lavender

Calm Belize sunset over sea in lavender

BIG NEWS: My Photography Site is now Live!

I’m thrilled to announce that, at long last, my photography website is now live.

Please stop over at LashA Photography to take a look. Let me know your thoughts and opinions! What’s your favorite shot?

As many of you might already know, I’ve been focusing more and more extensively on photography during the past few years of world travels. With all the amazing scenery, intriguing cultural events and stunning architecture I come across in my travels, it only makes sense to be skilled enough to capture their beauty in photos.

To further that endeavor, in 2015 I bought a new Sony digital camera with top of the line Carl Zeiss lens and Exmor R CMOS sensor. I also enrolled in Matador U’s online Beginning and Advanced Travel Photography Courses. Those two major steps took my photography to the next level.

Volcan Agua from Antigua - GuatemalaShortly after the courses, I set out on my extensive travels through Guatemala, Belize and Mexico – in late 2015 and through 2016. I put my new skills, techniques and camera to work.

Apparently the difference in my photography was notable – my brother, a professional photographer – mentioned the improvements on several occasions.

So now, at long last, I finally set aside an entire month to create a photography website of my own. I knew it was going to be a H of a lot of work… I had to:

Research other photographer’s sites for design, layout and photo styles. Create a website on SmugMug. Sort through more than 5000 photos from my world travels to select the very best. Edit. Upload. Arrange into galleries…

And six weeks later I finally have a proper photography website. Yeah…and whew. Boy are my eyes are sore from all the computer and photo editing work!

Volcanoes at Lake Atitlan

Volcanoes at Lake Atitlan

The main thing is that LashA Photography is now live online, with my photos on display for everyone to see.

I hope to delight visitors with stunning images from around the world and to inspire people to get out and travel this beautiful globe.

Please help me celebrate the launch of my photo site by heading over to LashA Photography and taking a look. Thanks so much for your support, as always!

Cheers, Lash


You might also enjoy: 

My Best 10 Photo Galleries of 2016 

10 Advanced Photography Techniques & Habits I Use

14 Reasons I Love Photography


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