

5 Things I Think Everyone Should Do in Bali

In this article fellow travel blogger, Jason Laukatis, shares his best adventures and tips for visiting Bali…

Abandoned plane in Bali - Jason5 Things I Think Everyone Should Do in Bali

This September I had the chance to go to Bali and the experiences I had there were simply breath-taking, despite the fact it was my third time in Bali. I stayed there for a whole month, and this is what I did:

1) Found an Abandoned Boeing Plane​

​No one really knows how the aircraft ended up there. Some say that the idea was to open a restaurant there, but there are no confirmed facts. The whole territory is closed now, so I had to learn a few bribery magic tricks to get inside!

​2) Went Inside an Abandoned Hotel

​There really are quite a few abandoned places in Bali. I stumbled upon this massive building completely accidentally and it turned out to be an amazingly fun discovery. The size of it, the spooky atmosphere inside and the fact that the hotel hasn’t been used for many years sounded so cool to me that I decided to make a separate video solely about this strange monument.

Jacob L on top of Mt. Agung​3) Climbed 3150 m. High Mt. Agung

​Now this one was really tough. I was dressed way too casually, so after somewhere around halfway point my feet were hurting and my shoes were being torn apart. But after almost 6 hours of hike, completely exhausted, I finally reached the top, and it was all worth it. I would definitely do this again.

4) Enjoyed Amazing Views Every Day

​This might not sound like much of an achievement, but driving a motorcycle past such magnificent views can only make one feel happy, calm and in control. The nature in Bali is alone worth living there.

Jason riding motorbike in Bali​5) Drove a Sick Custom Bike

​Every day I would rent a custom-made motorbike and explore the island, which is extremely fun and relaxing. Traveling this way also makes you much more connected to surroundings rather than when going with a car, but also allows you to see much more than walking on-foot would. Hands down my favorite means of transport!

I should also mention that this wasn’t a vacation – I am a digital nomad, meaning I can work and travel at the same time. Currently I spend most of my time working on ChameleonJohn.com remotely, a company which I co-founded. 

If I’d have any regrets from this journey, it would be that I didn’t stay longer. There will always be places to find, people to meet and food to try in Bali. Can’t wait to come back here next year and see what this place has yet to offer!



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