

Why Southeast Asia Is Perfect For Bespoke Holidays

SE Asia - Google Maps

SE Asia – Google Maps

Why Southeast Asia Is Perfect For Bespoke Holidays

With so many travel blogs popping up these days, it’s very easy to catch wanderlust looking at gorgeous photos of full-time travellers, or seeing your friends’ backpacking adventures. Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and Thailand are increasingly popular for backpackers due to the low cost, but it takes a lot of effort, as well as flexibility with work. If you’d love the experience of travelling through different parts of Southeast Asia without sharing a hostel room with 17 other people, a tailor-made holiday might be for you.

Lots of Destinations

The great thing about bespoke holidays is that you can fit in multiple destinations and activities for one price, from people who know. The team at Round the World Experts
 is made up of experienced travellers who use their time off and staff discount to their advantage, so they know how to pack a lot into one trip!

Doing a tour around a region is a great way to soak up local cultures and see plenty, so you won’t feel like you’re missing out on anything. Speaking to a travel agent further means that they can make recommendations catered to your interests or requirements – for those on specialist diets like vegans or nut allergy sufferers, having that insider knowledge is very important.

Inle Lake - Myanmar - photo by Thirllseekr on Flickr CC

Inle Lake – Myanmar – photo by Thirllseekr on Flickr CC

Low Cost

For western travellers, it’s well known that countries like Vietnam and Thailand are comparatively low-cost destination alternatives to Australia or the US. If you’re driving along roads your costs will add up from fuel, but local food is so cheap you’ll save a fortune eating out. Additionally, street food is some of the best cuisine, especially in cities like Bangkok and Ho Chi Minh, so you can enjoy the best of traditional home cooked fare for a fraction of what you would pay for a takeaway back home.

Natural Beauty

Backpacking is fun but when it comes to exploring some of the incredible areas of natural beauty like Inle Lake in Myanmar, or the Niah Caves of Malaysia, it can be intimidating to wander off to explore alone.

With a tailor made holiday, you can visit all the landmarks you want to, ensuring that you’re in the safe hands of your tour guide. It also allows you to enjoy some more wacky experiences you might not otherwise get to try, like climbing a waterfall or visiting the volcano of Mount Bromo in Java, or watching man-eating Komodo dragons from a safe distance at the Komodo National Park, Indonesia.


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