


sunset - Langkawi Island- Malaysia

Stunning pink sunset at Langkawi Island- Malaysia


I’m absolutely wild about vibrant colors! The brighter the better. Somehow, pastels and neutral colors have never done one thing for me. Soooo dull!

But bright colors make me feel immensely happy just from looking at them. I can’t count how many times I’ve had a natural high solely from staring at my favorite bright colors…

Do you think I might be visually oriented? Lol

So when ‘Capture the Color’ photography contest came up, I had lots and lots of photos of the colors they asked for: blue, green, yellow, red and white. My problem was trying to narrow down my selections to just one best photo of each color. On top of that, a slight disappointment with the competition for me was that they didn’t include my favorite color: pink. Sigh.

Soon after I submitted my entries I was suddenly inspired to make my own photo gallery of colors: my best 6 photos of each color from the competition, plus pink, of course.



If you’re a fan of vibrant colors,  you  might also enjoy the following from my collection of photo galleries:

Eye Candy-Details / Colorful Kuala Lumpur   / Singapore Night Shots


What’s your favorite color? Why do you love it? 

Which of the photos in my Colors gallery do you like best? 


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