


Pink anemone fish - Grahame Massicks

Pink anemone fish by Grahame Massicks


The blockbuster hit movie, ‘Finding Nemo’ set off a craze a few years ago for the super-cute bright orange-and-white-striped clownfish. Although the craze has dimmed somewhat, clowfish continue to be extremely popular among divers, especially new divers.

Actually, clownfish are one species of anemone fish. This group of fish is named for its habitat- anemones, which are related to soft corals. Anemones give a poisionous sting to most fish, so it’s a natural phenomenon that anemone fish are able to live inside them without harm.

clownfish - Grahame Massicks

clownfish by Grahame Massicks

They’ve developed a symbiotic relationship whereby the extremely territorial anemone fish protect their homes by warding off would-be invaders while the poisionous tentacles of the anemones protect the fish from predators ..and they all live happily ever after.

Meanwhile, besides clownfish, there are pink anemone fish, tomato anemone fish, Clark’s anemone fish, and others. All have stripes, but of different colors, and each lives in one particular species of anemone.

The photographer for this collection of impressive anemone fish images is PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer, Grahame Massicks. I worked with Grahame in Malaysia a few years back and greatly admired his photography work.

Grahame has graciously allowed me to assemble his images into this photo gallery and present them on LashWorldTour. Thanks Grahame!

Let’s all enjoy this collection of superb underwater photos of various anemone fish species,  including the wildly popular clownfish.


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  1. PHOTO GALLERY: Sea Anemones and other Soft Corals by Grahame Massicks - LashWorldTour » LashWorldTour

    […] might enjoy Grahame’s other photo galleries presented on LashWorldTour:Nudibranchs / Clownfish / Tropical Fish and Marine Life var dd_offset_from_content = 40; var dd_top_offset_from_content = […]

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