

NEWS: My Guest Post on Art of Backpacking

Art of BackPackpacking - LashWorldTour Guest Post

Art of BackPackpacking with LashWorldTour Guest Post

NEWS: My Guest Post on Art of Backpacking

Big news! I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been accepted to guest post on one of the top 100 travel blogs on the internet!

I wrote a travel tips post for Art of Backpacking:

‘5 Authentic Indonesian Foods You Wont’ Find in Tourist Restaurants’. It just got published today!

guest post - Babi guling - Bali

Babi guling - Bali

About my travel tips on Indonesian foods:

During  my 14 years of nomadic world travels I’ve been eating almost exclusively at local restaurants, local markets and street stalls. I concluded a long time ago that those places serve much better foods than tourist restaurants and even upscale resorts most of the time. Not to mention, they cost a fraction of the price.

In this guest post, I recommend my 5 favorite Indonesian foods that I eat whenever I’m in Bali or other parts of Indonesia…. like right now! These are the foods I’m currently eating on a daily basis.

Go have a read to see which ones you’d like to try. If you’ve had Indonesian food before, see if we share any of the same favorites.

‘5 Authentic Indonesian Foods You Wont’ Find in Tourist Restaurants’

MORE NEWS… I’m writing a second guest post for Art of Backpacking as well. :))  It will be published in September. I’ll let you know when it’s live.

Cheers, Lash

I previously contributed a guest post to C and C Food Travel aka Cumi dan Ciki, one of Malaysia’s top travel blogs.


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