

PHOTO GALLERY: My Best Photos with Deep Depth of Field

sample of photos with deep depth of fieldPHOTO GALLERY:

My Best Photos with Deep Depth of Field


One very desirable attribute of several genres of professional photography is a sense of spacial depth, referred to as a Deep Depth of Field. This is particularly true of landscape photographs. But it can also be important for city-scapes, cultural photos, architectural shots and even close-up images.

Many techniques and skills go into creating images with deep Depth of Field (DoF). One of the biggest factors is which aperture setting the photographer selects when shooting. Low apertures settings create focus throughout the image, from front to back, which tends to create spacial depth.

Fulllerton Hotel Lobby - SingaporeBesides aperture settings, various composition rules & techniques determine how shallow, flat or deep an image appears. Lines, roads, repeated patterns and successions of shapes running from front to back create depth by leading the human eye through the photo. For landscapes, including an object in the immediate foreground can also greatly increase the sense of depth in an image that might otherwise look flat or rather 2D.

I learned about the use of aperture for determining DoF in 2012 when I read Beth Salvon’s brilliant book Getting Out of Auto. Her book taught me how to easily use manual mode and the uses of shutter speed, ISO and aperture.

Since then I’ve been using low aperture settings for most landscape images, often with great results. I also knew from university art classes that lines, repeated patterns, streets and other composition elements can add lots of depth.

On the other hand, I didn’t really know about including a foreground object as an ‘anchor’ to help create depth. Over the years, I have ‘accidentally’ created many images with particularly deep DoF without quite understanding why.

Now that I’m taking Fundamentals of Travel Photography Course at Matador U, I’ve learned all about the importance of using an anchoring object in landscapes… and, thus, why particular images of mine turned out with such a great sense of depth.
This photo gallery presents 24 of my best images with deep DoF to date. I hope you enjoy them!  Cheers, Lash


Check out other photo essays and galleries I’ve created since starting my Matador U Photo Course:

My Latest Photo Skills from Matador U Photo Course

Photo Essay: Morning at a Florida Beach

Photo Essay: Evenings at Sunset Beach


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