

NEWS: My First Article Published on Matador Network!

screen shot my 1st article on Matador Network

screen shot my 1st article on Matador Network

NEWS: My First Article Published on Matador Network!

I’m excited to announce that my first paid article for Matador Network is now live here: 6 American Habits I Lost When I Became a Nomad in SE Asia

As the title implies, I’ve written about how my extensive travels around SE Asia changed several of my personal habits, lifestyle choices and perspectives on life.

Indeed, one of the wonderful affects of world travel is that it gives you great insights into your own personality, daily habits and outlooks on life. Because you run into such different customs, beliefs and habits while traveling in completely different cultures, you can’t help but notice how different they are from your own. That, in turn, forces you to think about your own ways, to evaluate them, and to make conscious decisions about how you want to behave. It forces you to grow as a person.

Without ever leaving your hometown or country, it would be much harder, if not impossible, to gain any objective views on such matters. You really need to get away from the culture, habits, outlooks and beliefs you grew up with and to experience quite different ones to gain those kinds of insights.

LashWorldTour at Koh Ngai  Trang - Thailand

Lash at Koh Ngai Trang – Thailand

I can certainly vouch for that. By traveling internationally through dozens of countries since 1998 I’ve learned so very much about the USA; American habits, outlooks and lifestyles; my own family and, as a result, myself.

If you’d like to find out more, come read how my habits, lifestyle and outlook on life have changed by immersing myself in SE Asia for over 10 years.

Read my story on Matador Network here.

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