

PHOTO GALLERY: New Zealand’s Stunning Marlborough Sounds

Marlborough Sounds - New Zealand

Marlborough Sounds


New Zealand’s Stunning Marlborough Sounds 

New Zealand’s stunning Marlborough Sounds spread across the northern tip of the South Island. There the cold Tasman Sea reaches inland in a series of deep narrow fingers of turquoise water separated by densely-forested, mountainous peninsulas. It’s a remote, lightly-populated region bombarded by stiff gusty winds and rain interspersed with bright sunshine. Wild country.

According to dictionary.com, a sound is “an inlet, arm or recessed portion of the sea.” The vast Marlborough Sounds consists of, not one, but four large meandering sounds, namely Queen Charlotte, Kenepuru, Pelorus and Mahau. Each sound consists of several bays and inlets wrapping around densely-forested peninsulas.

Nydia Bay - Marlborough Sounds

Nydia Bay – Marlborough Sounds

The region offers several multi-day walks along narrow peninsulas, up over mountain passes and down into glistening teal-colored bays, all through regenerating native New Zealand forests and occasional farmlands. Empty winding roads also access the various coastlines, ridges and remote bays.

A few towns, clusters of homes and farms are scattered throughout the area. Otherwise, it’s just mountains, trees and sparkling turquoise water that looks more like a collection of calm lakes than sea water.

I recently had the pleasure of exploring Marlborough Sounds rather extensively. First I took a massive ferry from Wellington, on New Zealand’s North Island, to Picton on the South Island, passing through vast Queen Charlotte Sound.

From Picton I enjoyed day hikes along Queen Charlotte and Kenepuru Sounds and hitched a ride with other travelers along scenic Queen Charlotte Drive. From Havelock I made a 3-day hiking/camping trip along hilly Nydia Trek up over two mountain saddles through Kiamu Bay, Nydia Bay, Duncan Bay and Hervey Bay. From there I hitched rides back to Havelock.

This photo gallery presents 15 views of stunning Marlborough Sounds from my explorations.

SEE: Photos of Marlborough Sounds


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