

News: I’ve Been Interviewed on a Budget Hotel Travel Blog

News: I’ve Been Interviewed on a Budget Hotel Travel Blog

news- Lash interview

Yippie! a podcast interview!

I’m excited to announce that I’ve been interviewed on yet another travel blog. This time the travel blog of a successful budget hotel website.

They’ve put together a great selection of interesting and useful questions such as how travel enriches peoples’ lives, how to pack lightly (I basically ‘failed’ that Q. lol), how to budget for traveling, my favorite places and my recommendations for inexpensive cities to visit. There are 10 questions in total, so there’s lots more to read over at the interview.

It’s always fun doing interviews because people inevitably ask new questions that make you stop and think about your travels, life and advice that you can share. Each time I do an interview I get a slightly different angle on things, which is great for self-development and perspective.

I find the same holds true for doing freelance writing assignments. I always get to tackle subjects, destinations and advice that I would not have necessarily have thought of on my own but which I discover I actually know a lot about or have some opinions on. It’s all quite fun.

But back to the interview at hand:

In addition to the great questions, the interviewer, Rob, also gave me a lovely introduction. Thanks Rob!

Check out my interview here to get all the answers and learn a few things about me that you might not have known, too.

 You might also enjoy a few of my other interviews:

On Teaching English in Japan with Nomadic Samuel

 Podcast about Travels Through Java, Indonesia with Amateur Travel Podcast

 About Cycling in Bali with Family On Bikes


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