

LashWorldTour NEWS: 1000 Fans on Facebook!

LashWorldTour FB page with over 1000 FANS screen shotLashWorldTour NEWS: 1000 Fans on Facebook!

At long last, LashWorldTour has finally reached the first major benchmark on Facebook: 1000 Fans.

And it happened soon after I arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal to apply for my first visa to India. Good timing as I’m about to embark on a whole new travel adventure after 15 years on the road.

So, thank you, thank you, thank you everyone who is following my world travel adventures on LashWorldTour!

Thanks for taking time to read my travel stories, to make use of my travel tip & advise and to check out my photo galleries.

Thanks for pitching in comments on this site and FB, for answering my Daily Travel Questions on Facebook, for writing in to ask questions about your upcoming travel plans, and for sharing your own travels & perspectives. Thanks for connecting in so many ways. Keep it coming!

travel perspectives - Lash at Koh Phi Phi viewpoint - Thailand

enjoying views from Koh Phi Phi viewpoint – Thailand

I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I intend to travel another 10-15 years, blogging, story-telling and photographing as I go. I plan to visit every region of the world, if not every country…

I suppose there are a few I might have to skip, being an American… Like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. And I’d really rather skip over any countries waging full-out war. But who knows, maybe before my travels are up I’ll be able to visit those countries, too. I’m sure they all have some fascinating cultures, landscapes, food and people.

In any event, there’s a whole lot more of the world out there that I’m going to explore!

LashWorldTour News with Lash I still have to visit most of Western Europe, all of Eastern Europe, the former USSR countries, Africa, the Caribbean, Central & South America, all the Pacific Islands (my real dream destinations) New Zealand, Antarctica and a few US States like Alaska & Hawaii.

So please continue following along and pitching in with your comments, travels and questions. Let’s have a blast traveling the world!

cheers, Lash

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