

Travel Perpsectives: Confessions of a Cold Weather Hater

travel perspectives - Lash at Koh Phi Phi viewpoint - Thailand

enjoying views from Koh Phi Phi viewpoint – Thailand

Travel Perspectives: Confessions of a Cold Weather Hater

Anyone who knows me or has been following LashWorldTour might already have an inkling that I’m extremely adverse to cold weather. In fact, I hate cold. My body hates cold. The mere thought of cold makes me shudder with dread.

My anti-cold sentiment is one of the major reasons I’ve been tromping around tropical SE Asia for so long. When deciding where to travel next, I always first consider the destination’s climate. Specifically, I always choose hot places or summer months.

Since I’m continually immersed in the wonderful, hot steamy tropics, the concepts of wintry air, snow and bulky coats & hats seem almost unfathomable. Merely far distant memories from childhood.

ski resort - Alps - Ellmau Austria

ski resort at Ellmau – Austria – European Alps

But recently, reminders of that other world keep popping up to confront me. My good friend Rosie just sent me a photo on FB of a snowman she made in England. Other travelers’ FB posts report snowstorms, skiing adventures, getting trapped in a car during an ice storm, the famous Harbin Ice Festival in China, and other winter activities that are in full swing on the other side of the globe.

What’s more, since starting travel blogging two years ago, I’ve often read other travelers’ stories of exciting wintry adventures.

Aurora Borealis - Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis – Northern Lights

Thus it has been gradually dawning on me that I  might just have to overcome my stubborn aversion to cold at some point. After all, my 10-year life goal is to explore the entire world. I can’t very well fulfill that dream without immersing myself in some cold weather. In fact, a lot of cold weather.

And truth be told, there are many incredible cold-climate events, activities, destinations and natural phenomenon that I’m dying to experience during my next decade of world travels.

Here are my top 10 cold weather wish trips, in no particular order:

Neuschwanstein Castle - Germany

gorgeous Neuschwanstein Castle in snow- Germany

1. Experience the Northern Lights, from anywhere

2. Explore the other-worldly topography of Iceland

3. Stay overnight at the Ice Village in Finland

4. Attend Harbin Ice Festival in China and/or Sapporo Ice Festival in Japan

5. Visit Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany, when it’s blanketed in snow

6. Hike through snow-laden forests

7. Cruise to Antarctica to marvel at pale-blue icebergs and oh-so-cute penguins

8. Drive across Alaska

9.  See polar bears in the wild.

10. Float on ice water in Lapland, like my friend/travel blogger Keith Jenkins recounted last year on Velvet Escape

Then there are all the exciting outdoor winter activities that I used to love as a child and which I simply must do again some time in my life: sled riding, ice skating, skiing and making snowmen.

Then, too, are the wonderful sensations of warming up at a fireplace, sipping hot cocoa or soup, and sitting in a hot Jacuzzi or onsen  in cold, crisp air.

kayaking at Antarctica

kayaking at Antarctica

Yes, I think I must overcome my aversion to cold. And perhaps sooner than I’d previously anticipated…

This summer I hope to travel around Europe. And once I’m there, well there I’ll be! Close to the ice village in Norway, the beautiful castles of Germany and the ski slopes of the Alps. Next winter could be my perfect chance to indulge in the many wonderful cold climate travel experiences that I’m dying to enjoy.

What’s more, the majority of house sitting opportunities are found in Europe, many of them during winter months, when home owners want to escape winter. That gives me even more reason to consider braving winter in Europe next season.


stunning Iceland

And here’s where I need some help!

Since many of you are living or taking holidays in the midst of European winter right now, with all these cold climate adventures right in your face, and since I will be such a novice to European winter activities, I’m hoping all of you can share your tips, suggestions and favorite places/activities with me.

What do you recommend I do during winter in Europe next season?


1. What do you consider to be Europe’s best winter destinations?

2. Which European castles are most beautiful in winter?

3. What & where are Europe’s best winter activities?

4. Where is the best place to ski in the Alps – Austria? Switzerland? Italy?

5. Finally, do you have any tips for staying warm during Europe’s winters?

Thanks in advance for any ideas, tips, leads and suggestions!

Lash in snow

rare photo of me in snow

On my end, I’ll try to wrap my head around the concept of immersing myself in cold. Right now, the mere thought of it makes me cringe and whimper. Clearly I have a long way to go before next winter.


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(* Flckr CC photo credits: Leo-Seta / Polar Cruises / @NOO / Bryan Pocius *)



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