

LashWorldTour Best Photo Galleries of 2012

best photo galleries of 2012 - Marina Bay Sands Sky Infinity Pool Park View - Singapore

view from Marina Bay Sands Sky Infinity Pool Park – Singapore

LashWorldTour Best Photo Galleries of 2012

I was happy to note that my photography skills improved vastly in 2012.

The improvements were due to many factors, the most significant of which was reading and applying Bethany Salvon’s photo guidebook Getting Out of Auto. Her book got me quickly and easily shooting in manual mode for the first time in my life. Wow, what a difference! Her book also taught me many other important photography basics, skills and tips. Thanks so much Beth!

(check out Beth’s book or read my Review of Getting Out of Auto if you’re interested in improving your photography skills)

Other important factors included buying a tripod, greatly improving my eye for exposure, improved editing skills, an upgraded photo editor and, of course, lots and lots of practice taking and editing photos. I also read several photography tips posts online and a few photography books. It’s been great fun.

Thaipusam Festival - Penang - Malaysia

Thaipusam Festival – Penang – Malaysia

During 2012 I spent many enjoyable hours taking and editing new photos. I also re-edited a couple dozen older photo galleries, which I could suddenly see needed improvement after developing my photographic eye and skills. Yeeks, it was embarrassing looking at my previous photos, I have to admit!

In all I published 50 photo galleries in 2012.

flooded rice field - Bali

flooded rice field in Bali

Towards the end of 2012 I entered a photography contest ‘Capture the Colors’. Some of my photos were mentioned by two of the five judges, much to my surprise and delight. My photos did not win, nor were they even nominated, but just getting mentioned by 2 professional photographers was quite an honor to me and a great encouragement.

While reviewing LashWorldTour: all my posts, reviews and photo galleries at the end of 2012, I picked out what I believe to be my best 5 photo galleries of 2012. Being a lifelong fan of bright bold colors,  not surprisingly, all my favorite photo galleries are extremely colorful ones. I hope you enjoy them too. Here are my 5 best picks:

sunset - Langkawi Island- Malaysia

Stunning pink sunset at Langkawi Island- Malaysia

1. Eye Candy: Details

2. Sunsets & Sunrises

3. Views of Singapore From Marina Bay Sands Sky Pool

4. Thaipusam Festival – Penang 2012

5. Colors



Which of these photo galleries do you like best? Why? 

What kind of photos do you like most? Landscapes? Portraits? City scenes? Or?



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