


Lash on sunset dinner cruise in Langkawi- Malaysia

Lash about to depart on a sunset dinner cruise at Langkawi- Malaysia

When Crystal Yacht Holidays graciously invited me to join their sunset dinner cruise in Langkawi Island, I wasted no time accepting the invitation. I had just enough time to ‘powder my nose’ – no, grab my bathing suit, sarong, camera and tripod- and stroll to the roadside to await my pick-up. No sooner did I arrive than the taxi was there to meet me.

We rode a leisurely 10 minutes to the boat jetty where we were soon escorted to our catamaran by the friendly, down-to-earth staff member, a local Malaysian girl who spoke English fluently and seemed more western in mannerisms than Malay.

sunset dinner cruise- Langkawi- MalaysiaIn total, we were 9 passengers, from all ends of the globe: Two young Chinese beauties, a British couple, a Hong Kong couple, a Malaysian couple, and myself, American. Everyone quickly settled into their favorite spots on deck. The Shanghai girls splayed out in their bikinis on the bow, port side. The British couple took starboard. I swung up onto the top of the boat and the HK couple soon occupied top, port side. The young Malay couple stayed in back- perhaps they wanted more privacy? In any event, the trip was cozy and personal. Before long we passengers were conversing and admiring the scenery together.

Crystal Yacht Sunset Cruise- Langkawi

Crystal Yacht Sunset Cruise pulls out of harbor- Langkawi

As the captain headed out into the calm Andaman Sea towards Langkawi’s 99 small jungle-clad islands, rocky islets, and looming limestone cliffs, the staff wasted no time making the first round of cocktails on our ‘open bar’ cruise. I happily sipped on pina coladas while gazing at the closely approaching islands.

As I mentioned in my previous account, Sea Jacuzzi, being on board the ship quickly brought back warm memories of my many dive seasons on dive boats in Krabi, Thailand. This evening, I couldn’t help but watch our crew attending to all their boat duties and serving passengers- part of my former job as Boat Master and Dive Instructor.

islands of Langkawi

islands of Langkawi

Although we were motoring rather than actually sailing that evening, we proceeded at a very leisurely pace, the engine barely disturbing the tranquility of the outdoor splendor around us. We watched white Breasted Sea Eagles glide through the sky. We admired bronze, golden, and white limestone cliffs.

Langkawi Islands

one of the small rocky jungle-clad Langkawi Islands

Gradually we reached the densely forested islets and began weaving our way through a maze of rocky outcroppings and green fluffy mounds. Eventually the captain halted the ship and offered us a chance to enjoy their ‘sea jacuzzi’. Out behind the catamaran, a large net was flung across the top of the sea and attached to the back of the boat. The captain instructed us to ease ourselves out onto the net and simply lay down. The boat pulled us through the sea as the net stirred up a bubbly jacuzzi bed for us to enjoy.

passengers enjoying sea jacuzzi- Langkawi

passengers enjoying sea jacuzzi- Langkawi

After cruising among several islands, we eventually headed out into more open water. The sea jacuzzi net was pulled up and the staff began preparing our gourmet BBQ.

BBQ onboard Crystal Yacht Sunset dinner cruise- Langkawi- MalaysiaShe grilled up chicken satay, prawns, roast vegetables and beef. Then she set out a virtual feast to accompany it: potato salad, macaroni salad, assorted vegetables, heavy freshly baked bread. When finished, she announced dinner and we all headed inside to load up our plates.

buffet dinner on Crystal Yacht sunset dinner cruiseAs we headed toward another group of islands to watch sunset, we all feasted up on deck, enjoying more  spectacular scenery.

Lash enjoying sunset about catamaran sunset cruise

Lash enjoying sunset about catamaran sunset cruise

Sunset at Langkawi sunset dinner cruise

Sunset at Langkawi sunset dinner cruise

Sunset began to unfold… and it was a beauty! Long after the sun globe set below the horizon, we sat enjoying a spectacular, ever-changing color display. We stayed until the last bits of color departed and then made our way back towards the jetty.

heat lightening storm on LangkawiWe had one final treat in store for us. A dramatic heat lightening storm flashed and bristled in front of us all the way back to harbour. A perfectly colorful ending to our lovely sunset cruise.


Have you ever taken a sunset cruise? If so, where and how was it?

What’s the most stunning sunset you’ve ever seen? Where was it?


If you’d like to enjoy this luxurious, relaxing sunset cruise in Langkawi, I can highly recommend Crystal Yacht Holidays. They also offer daytime island hopping, private cruises, and diving/snorkeling trips.

Sunset Dinner Cruise: 250-300 RM ($75-100 US) / 5 pm-8 pm daily /

(* Although Crystal Yacht Holidays graciously hosted my cruise, all the opinions and explanations are my own candid views.)


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