

Langkawi Jungle Canopy Adventure – A Langkawi Review

Langkawi Review - Lash - Jungle Canopy Adventure - Langkawi

Lash on Jungle Canopy Adventure - Langkawi

Langkawi Jungle Canopy Adventure – A Langkawi Review


rope walk - Jungle Canopy Adventure - Langkawi

enjoying the rope net walk on

Do you love exciting adventures?

Are you an outdoor enthusiast?

If you answered yes, then…

Imagine yourself zip-lining through the tops of 30 M jungle trees.

Picture yourself abseiling down a rugged limestone rock face in the thick of a jungle.

Imagine inching and balancing your way across a cable suspended over a deep tropical chasm.

Sound exciting?

If so, I highly recommend joining the Canopy Adventure on Langkawi Island, Malaysia.

I recently enjoyed their thrilling jungle adventure when I visited Langkawi. It’s one of the best things I’ve done in 2012! Here’s what you’ll get to do:

getting gear - Jungle Adventure - Langkawi

Lash getting geared up - Jungle Adventure - Langkawi

You’ll start your morning at a little-known public park in the middle of Langkawi Island. There you’ll meet the expert local guides.

They’ll be waiting with a van full of rock climbing, rappelling and zip-lining gear all spread out tidily on the parking lot. They’ll quickly determine your size and fit you out with harness, clips, helmet and gloves.

And then your exciting march up into the jungle begins. After walking through the pretty park past a lovely babbling stream, you’ll begin climbing some steep stairs up into jungle.

It’s the old walking trail to the top of Mt. Raya, Langkawi’s highest mountain and home to exotic tropical birds like the Giant Hornbill and the Drongo, with its long slender tail feathers.

Lash on cable walk - Jungle Canopy Adventure - Langkawi

wiggling across the cable walk above a jungle gorge

About 15 minutes later, you’ll leave the staircase and head off on a narrow dirt track to the adventure platforms. Within minutes you’ll arrive at your first ‘challenge’ – a walk across a cable suspended over a deep jungle gorge.

You’ll get some help balancing, which you will most definitely need! That cable wiggles and sways and sags and bounces. I doubt anyone but a professional tightrope walker or a slack line expert could get across it without being clipped in.

So before you step out onto the line, the guides will clip you into a secondary cable that runs about head height. You’ll also hold onto that upper cable as you wiggle your way across. You’ll need to hold on!

Even with tight hand grips and clip-in your whole body ends up swaying forwards and backwards as you wiggle and shake your way across.

abseil training - Jungle Canopy Adventure - Langkawi

abseil training

Once everyone is safely across and un-clipped, you’ll get abseiling training on a short vertical wall. The guide demonstrates exactly how to lower yourself down from a rock face. Then everyone takes a turn.

You’re ready!

But before you plummet down a rock wall, you’ll have to first climb up a massive jungle tree via net then across another net suspended high above the jungle floor. From there you maneuver across an exposed rock face to the abseiling spot.

Lash - abseiling - Jungle Canopy Adventure - Langkawi

first abseil! Down I go!

At that point you’re up pretty high in the jungle, where you’re treated to stunning views over Langkawi Island.

And then suddenly off you go on your first abseil! You’ll lower yourself down a near vertical granite rock wall surrounded by dense jungle. As usual, you’ll by clipped into a cable all the way down.

Next you’ll get to enjoy your first zip line through the jungle. One by one, each guest will get clipped onto an overhead cable. At the guide’s command you’ll run, jump off the rocky edge and glide through the air way above the tree tops. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Yeeha!

Following that, you’ll enjoy another longer, more vertical abseil. Then a short hike through the jungle with more fantastic island views.

zip lining - Jungle Canopy Adventure - Langkawi

thrilling zip line to massive rain forest tree at 30 M above the jungle floor

And then comes the amazing two-part grand finale: an excitingly long zip-line to a tree-top followed by abseiling completely, utterly in the air from that 30 M treetop down to the jungle floor way below. If that doesn’t make you a bit nervous, I guess nothing will.

Langkawi Canopy Adventures is the creation of German adventurer Juergen Zimmerer, who set up the entire course himself 10 years ago. With a German owner/designer, you can be assured that all the gear, techniques and safety checks are top notch.

Quite sadly, Juergen passed away in 2011. But he left the company adventure tours in the hands of his very capable, experienced son, Ashraff Zimmerer.

Lash - abseiling - Jungle Canopy Adventure - Langkawi

final abseil down 30 M from jungle tree

To find out more and book your own exciting canopy adventure, visit their website:

Langkawi Canopy Adventures  It’s a blast!

You might also like to read my other Langkawi reviews:

Sunset Dinner Cruise / Bird Watching Tour / Malaysian Cultural Tour 


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