


I’m really happy to participate in the fun My-7-Links project from Tripbase. We’re asked to chose our best post in 7 categories. After searching through my blog a bit, here are the posts I came up with. A few were no brainers, a few took some deeper reflection, so it was an interesting project. Thanks Leigh of HikeBikeTravel for inviting me to join! My 5 travel blogger nominees follow the posts. cheers, Lash

1. My Most Beautiful Post: Chihuly Glass Collection, St. Petersburg, Florida

Credit for the beauty of this post goes to Dale Chihuly’s really astounding glass work and the fact that I was able to use the Collection’s professional press kit photos of his works. Press kits are grand!

trip base - Chihuly Glass  Collection- ST Petersburg Florida- USA

2. Most popular: 10 Free Things to do in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Part of the popularity of this post is due to Suzy Guese nominating it as a favorite travel post on her popular weekly round-up of travel blogs. Thanks Suzy! Overall, though, all my ’10 Free Things to do in … Series’ are my most visited posts.

tripbase - Indian shop- Kuala Lumpur

3. A post whose success surprised me: Gamelan, Bali’s Traditional Percussion Orchestras

I had no idea sooo many people are interested in traditional world music! There’s also a surprise video of a  Balinese temple ceremony at the end of this post.


4. A post that didn’t get the attention it deserved: St Petersburg, Florida: Jewel in Florida Vacationland

This post has lots of useful and interesting information about Florida’s great little city, St Petersburg. Perhaps my disappointment in it’s lack of response is that I spent soooo much time preparing it- dashing around the city like a real journalist talking to people, gathering facts, and adding useful links. I certainly had fun doing it, regardless of its popularity!



5. Most controversial post: Lipah Gigolos and Twisted Village Beliefs

You won’t find any photos in this first-hand account of Bali’s local gigolos. A few people who know the area and the guys wrote to me after I posted this asking if I weren’t afraid for my safety after writing this candid story. I had befriended all the guys while living there and taken their photos, which they requested me not to post online. You got it guys!

6. Most helpful: 10 Free Things to do in Singapore

All my ’10 Free Things to do in … Series’ are popular posts, but I guess I’d nominate the Singapore installment as most helpful for a few reasons. First, Singapore is pretty expensive, so it’s really useful to know freebies. Secondly, the city offers some truly amazing free activities like free outdoor rock concerts, free museum entries and a surprising number of parks with walking trails. Singapore also happens to be my favorite city in the world.

tripbase- Marina Bay Sands Hotel complex

7. Post I’m most proud of. Cycling in Shanghai

Two reasons I’m proud of this post. First off, when I sat down to touch-up this story, I ended up completely re-arranging and re-writing the content. It improved immensely: so much that my wonderful writing mentor, Barbara Weibel of  Hole in the Donut selected it as a Best Narrative Travel Article for her ongoing series. Thanks Barbara! It makes me feel I’m making steady progress on my writing abilities. Sure hope so with 10 more years of travel and blogging ahead of me!

cyclists at traffic light in Shanghai, China

QUESTION: Which of these posts did you like?

Thanks for the feedback! cheers, Lash

My five nominees for My-7-Links project:

Raising Miro
Travel Junkie Julia
The Longest Way Home
Indie Travel Podcast
Wandering Educators

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