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I intend to travel the entire world! To achieve my quest I will travel another 10-15 years, visiting one region of the world per year, until I’ve seen the entire world. I’m in it for the long haul. This is my life. (Regions: Caribbean, Central America, S.America, Pacific Isles, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Mediteranean Loop, Africa, Middle East, Indian Ocean, Central Asia, Rusia/ China/ Mongolia/ Tibet, Great Britain/ Iceland/ Greenland, Antartic)
I strive to inspire, inform and entertain people across the globe with tales of adventure, cultural insights, valuable travel tips and information, and photo galleries from around the world. I hope to inspire people to follow their dreams, to make their lives extraordinary. Swallow your fears, hesitations and excuses and just take the first leap! You won’t regret it!!
I aim to earn a living as a world traveler through this travel website, travel writing assignments, and
books thereby becoming a professional world nomad. On the way, I’m also excited to continue teaching scuba diving throughout the world.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You can help me achieve my life missions! How?

1. ‘Like’ this blog, ‘Friend’ me on Facebook, ‘Follow’ me on Twitter, visit this website regularly for tales of adventure, photos and travel tips. Thank you!
2. Connect with me. Comment on my posts, say hello, introduce yourself, ask me questions. I read/ reply to all comments. Nice to meet you!
3. Spread the word. You can help me tremendously by telling friends, family, colleagues about my travels, this blog, my Facebook and Twitter presence. Thank you!
4. Offer me suggestions, feedback, tips, advice, leads. I can only learn and improve with new ideas and feedback. I appreciate your contributions!

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