My First Impressions of Istanbul – Turkey Wow! What a fantastic city! Istanbul is massive, studded with impressive historic mosques, hefty stone castles, elaborate Turkish palaces, European-era shopping streets, historic Turkish bathhouses still in use, ancient towers, underground cisterns, churches & cathedrals, world-class museums, Byzantine wall ruins and many other historic structures. The sprawling mega-city …
Category Archive: EUROPE
Cost of Budget Travel in Cyprus in 2020
Cost of Budget Travel in Cyprus in 2020 All said and done, my visit to Cyprus cost me considerably more than I’d expected and certainly much more than countries in Eastern Europe that I visited just prior to Cyprus. Countries including Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and most Balkan countries were much cheaper for me to explore …
17 Best places to Visit in Cyprus
17 Best places to Visit in Cyprus I’ve just spent nearly six weeks exploring the small Mediterranean island nation of Cyprus. Despite having to put up with really crappy weather almost the entire time (I estimate literally 95% days with bad weather / only 5% days of good weather) I did still manage to explore …
My First Impressions of Cyprus
My First Impressions of Cyprus As I explained in last week’s article 18 Surprising Facts about Cyprus, Cyprus is a small independent Mediterranean island nation situated in the far eastern Mediterranean Sea. It’s located just south of Turkey and west of Syria & Lebanon. I landed here on Dec. 30th, 2019 after skiing in Bulgaria, …
18 Surprising Facts about Cyprus
18 Surprising Facts about Cyprus The Republic of Cyprus is a small independent Mediterranean island nation situated in the far eastern Mediterranean Sea. It lies just off the southern coast of Turkey and the western coasts of Syria & Lebanon. I arrived in Cyprus at the tail-end of 2019 and will be exploring this hilly …
LashWorldTour 2019 World Travels in Review
LashWorldTour 2019 World Travels in Review 2019 was a whopper travel year for me. I traveled full-time for a total of 10 months and ‘stayed put’ twice, for one month each. First in Florida, US with family in January and later in Varna, Bulgaria in November/December. I spent the year in 15 different countries, including …
LashWorldTour 2020 Travel Plans
LashWorldTour 2020 Travel Plans As usual, 2020 will be another year of full-time world travels for me. Yippiee! This year I’ll be continuing my Eastern European odyssey which I began in 2019. In the Balkan Peninsula I still have to explore three countries to complete that region of the world. They are Croatia, Bosnia&Herzegovina and …
NEWS FLASH: I will be on vacation for 2 weeks over Christmas & NYE!
NEWS FLASH: I will be on vacation for 2 weeks over Christmas & NYE! Yes folks, I’m taking my annual year-end vacation from travel writing. I will be on vacation from this Saturday, December 21st until Monday, January 6, 2020. This year I have lots of exciting action lined up for my long-awaited break! The …
The Many Charms of Varna – Bulgaria
The Many Charms of Varna – Bulgaria I wasn’t expecting to like Varna, Bulgaria. It’s a big city on the Black Sea on Bulgaria’s eastern coastline. In fact, Varna is the biggest city and port on the Black Sea. But it’s most famous as a huge beach party destination in summer. I’ve seen photos of …
16 Highlights of my 2019 Travels in Eastern Europe
16 Highlights of my 2019 Travels in Eastern Europe This year I’ve been busy exploring Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries. Thus far, I’ve been traveling around the region for six months. I haven’t yet visited every country in the area because I prefer to travel slowly and in-depth. To date I’ve traveled through nine …