

NEWS: I’m featured in an article about traveling during the Covid-19 pandemic


I’m featured in an article about traveling during the Covid-19 pandemic

Recently I was approached to be part of an article with tips, advice and perspectives on traveling during the global pandemic.

In the article, a whopping 87 travel bloggers share their Covid-era travel stories, strategies and advice. It turns out I’m not the only world traveler who has continued traveling in 2020 and 2021, in one way or the other.

Everyone featured in the article has changed their travel style and/or destinations in one way or other to cope with the pandemic, to keep themselves safe, and to do their part to prevent the global spread of the virus.

Some have stopped using all public transportation, including flights, and taken to doing road trips in their own vehicles. Others have focused on outdoor/nature-based trips or taken to visiting off the beaten trail destinations. Some have stayed home and switched to exploring local destinations. Others report the great luck of visiting famous – and usually very crowded – destinations that are currently nearly empty.

Many of these bloggers, including myself, have been writing ongoing articles about travel experiences, advice & tips about traveling during Covid, based on our own travel experiences. So this round-up article also links to other Covid-related advice articles.

If you would like to travel in 2021 or before the pandemic is completely cleared up globally, this article is a fantastic place to find a whole slew of perspectives, experiences, tips & advice from us travelers who have been out on the road since the pandemic hit last year.

Read this great round-up article here

Happy reading and here’s to your safe travels in 2021 & beyond.

Cheers, Lash


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