

Here I go to Morocco!

Lash heading off to Morocco - 2019Here I go to Morocco!

Today I fly to Morocco!

In fact, by the time you read this, I’ll probably already be hanging out at my gorgeous little Moroccan-style hostel in Marrakesh. Yippie!

I’m very excited. Morocco is one of those countries I’ve been dying to visit for years, even decades. It just seems so exotic and unique with its mysterious Arabic culture, erotic belly dancers, intricate henna tattoos, snake charmers and those maze-like winding market places.

I can hardly wait to start exploring!

photo by JHuffmanPhotography on Flickr CC

photo by JHuffmanPhotography on Flickr CC

But I do also admit that, even with 20+ years of solo world travels under my belt, I’m slightly nervous about visiting Morocco. Especially on my own. I’ve heard and read all about the super-persistent, sometimes aggressive touts who hound tourists. And I most certainly do not like that.

However, I am going well-prepared and so I hope to avoid, or at least minimize, that harassment. I’ve read advice on how to best deal with Moroccan touts, which includes where to go – well, not go – to avoid them and how to interact with them when they do appear, and information about their primary tactics. So I’ll do my best.

I also generally find that I personally am not such a big target as other travelers tend to be. First off, I give off a very confident, tough and experienced vibe. This tends to put-off would-be harassers. Secondly, I have a lot of experience dealing with such people. And now that I’m older, I generally also avoid unwanted male attention.

If worse comes to worse, I can hole myself up in my beautiful accommodations, except for when I need to go out to specific destinations. Hopefully, it won’t come to that. But if so, I will certainly have plenty of work and writing to keep me busy!

I’ve been assigned to visit 45 luxury and boutique hotels in Morocco. Nearly half- 22 – are in Marrakesh! So I will be practically running from hotel to hotel for most of my two-month travels around Morocco.

Royal Mansour Hotel - photo by UggBoy UggGirl on Flickr CC

Royal Mansour Hotel – photo by UggBoy UggGirl on Flickr CC

I’m extremely excited to visit Morocco’s luxury properties. Most of them are incredibly beautiful, with gorgeous Moroccan architecture and detailing, beautiful landscaped gardens, very luxurious guest accommodations, superb dining and stunning common spaces.

So if I spend all my time visiting hotels then locking myself in my little riads and guest houses to write up my reviews, that will make a fine trip to Morocco in itself.

But I do also plan to visit many museums, castles and forts, former palaces, seaside walkways, gardens, cafes and markets. I just hope I have enough time to explore on my own, aside from my assignments.

To that end, I plan to spend my first week in Marrakesh simply exploring the city, visiting hotels and gardens, getting accustomed to the cuisines, culture, people and currency.

tangine meal - photo by Charlie Marchant on Flickr CC

tangine meal – photo by Charlie Marchant on Flickr CC

Then on my second week I’ll start work – visiting luxury hotels for site inspections. I’ll need at least two solid weeks in Marrakesh to visit all 22 hotels. Wish me luck.

After Marrakesh, I will head to Casablanca, located on the Atlantic coast, where I have to visit five more hotels. Then on to Rabat and Fez, where I’ll inspect several more hotels, before returning briefly to Marrakesh.

I will also visit Essaouira, another coastal town that sounds more bohemian, and a few places south of Marrakesh, all primarily for hotel reviews.

tree-climbing goats in Morocco - photo by Mirjam Evers on Flickr CC

tree-climbing goats in Morocco – photo by Mirjam Evers on Flickr CC

In between visiting luxury hotels, I hope to take a camel safari into the desert, fly in a balloon, laugh at Morocco’s funny tree-climbing goats, eat tons of great food and generally enjoy myself in Morocco.

Eventually, two months after my arrival, I will fly to Canary Islands in early April. I plan to stay there one month, exploring and visiting yet more luxury hotels.

I’ll be writing about all my adventures in Morocco as I go in February and March. So be sure to stay tuned for my impressions, insider tips, photos and excitement as I explore my very first Arabic country.

(It will also be my first time to the African continent. Yeeha!)

In the meantime, you might also enjoy –

My 2019 Travel Plans

10 Things I most want to experience in Morocco

Changes to my Travel Style in 2019


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