

My 11 Best Travel Tips Articles of 2018

LashWroldTour near summit of Santa Ana Volcano - El Salvador

near summit of Santa Ana Volcano – El Salvador

My 11 Best Travel Tips Articles of 2018

In 2018 I finished up three years of travels around Mexico and Central America. The first half of the year I found myself a bit ‘stuck’ in Costa Rica and Panama, specifically from late January through mid-July, due to my whopping hotel reviews assignment of over 100 luxury and boutique hotels in those two countries.

When I finally completed my assignments, I flew to Phoenix, Arizona (my first visit there!) for a big family birthday bash. From there I traveled down through northwestern Mexico (a new region for me) en route to Mexico City, where I caught a flight to Cuba.

I spent all of October in Cuba then returned to Florida, USA in time to vote in the midterm elections and to spend three major holidays with family (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s).

 at the border of Costa Rica and Nicaragua

at the border of Costa Rica and Nicaragua

As to be expected, all my travel tip articles for 2018 relate my first-hand advice on Central American countries and Cuba. I’d previously written extensively about Mexico, so in 2018 I only wrote one article – about my attempted budget travel through Sonora, which is an entirely different thing from travel elsewhere in Mexico.

During the year, I detailed the costs of budget travel in four countries, added three ’10 Free Things to do in…’ articles for key destinations in the region, and wrote additional travel tips for Cuba.

Without further ado, here are my best travel tips of 2018:

1. Costs of Budget Travel in El Salvador

2. Costs of Budget Travel in Nicaragua

3. Costs of Budget Travel in Costa Rica

4. Costs of Budget Travel in Cuba

5. 28 Money-Saving Tips for Budget Travel in Cuba

6. Preparing to Visit Cuba for Americans

7. 10 Free Things to do in Havana

8. 10 Free Things to do in San Jose – Costa Rica

9. 10 Free Things to do in Monteverde – Costa Rica

10. Making a Border Run Between Costa Rica and Nicaragua

11. Budget Travel in Sonora – Mexico

If you’re planning a trip to Central America, Mexico or Cuba anytime soon, check out these travel tips to help plan your journeys, save money and find great things to see and do in the region.

Happy Trails!


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