

My 10 Best Travel Stories of 2015 on LashWorldTour

Mayan street market in Antigua

Mayan street market in Antigua

My 10 Best Travel Stories of 2015 on LashWorldTour

In 2015 my travels spanned half the globe. After exploring New Zealand’s South Island in January, I next flew to Australia for one month, then on to my old stomping grounds in Bali and Malaysia in SE Asia for two months before crossing the Pacific to the USA and finally down to Central America to finish up the year in Guatemala and Belize.

As a result, my travel stories comprise adventures, musings and cultural insights from six countries, several very diverse cultures and four continents.

In addition to world travels, in 2015 I immersed myself in two intensive travel photography courses, yoga training and daily meditation. With a much stronger focus on photography, I’ve written some articles on that intriguing subject.

The following articles are what I consider to be my best travel stories, perspectives and insights from 2015, in no particular order. I hope they entertain, educate and inspire you to get out and travel the world. Please enjoy:

* 6 American Habits I Will Always Keep

* 10 Ways SE Asia Changed my Habits and Lifestyle

* 9 Reasons I Will Always Love Japan – Article Featured on Matador Network 

* My 12 Best Experiences at NZ’s South Island

* Hitchhiking Around New Zealand

* 14 Reasons I Love Photography

* 30+ Bonuses of my NZ South Island HelpX Assignments 

* The Joys of Visiting Bali 

* My 10 Favorite Places in Bali

* My 1st Impressions of Guatemala


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  1. Introduction to Belize

    […] 10 Best Travel Stories of 2015 on LashWorldTour […]

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