

NEWS: I’m On Vacation in Fiji This Week – June 9 to 18th


my idea of paradise

NEWS: I’m On Vacation in Fiji This Week – June 9 to 18th 

If you missed my post OMG – I’m Going to Fiji then this quick news flash is here to give you a head’s up that I’m offline, on vacation for 10 days in glorious, tropical, relaxing Fiji. I’ll actually be staying in Fiji much longer, after my initial 1-week vacation. For the whole story read this post.

At long last I’ve managed to reach my dream destination: the South Pacific Islands. Ahhh, sunshine, fluffy sand beaches and clear, calm seas, here I come. (And maybe a cocktail or two thrown in on a few evenings. :) )

happy dance

happy dance!

For those of you who know I’ve been traveling around New Zealand for the past 3 months, you might find it odd to hear that I really need a vacation. But it’s true.

While exploring New Zealand for the very first time, I also had to juggle two jobs: my blogging/writing career and physical manual labor on farms and private gardens. In between, somehow I arranged my ongoing NZ travels as well as planning and scheduling my trip to Fiji.

Believe me, it’s been full-on for 3 solid months! I am ready to have absolutely no responsibilities, no work and nothing to do. I’m going to simply relax on beaches and beside pools, read books, regain my golden tan, sleep in…and possibly, if I feel like it, explore Fiji a bit.

I will be back with exciting news and photos from my very first Pacific Island from about June 19th or 20th. By then I will be settled in with my amazing HelpX gig on a remote Fiji island! Talk to you all then.

In the meantime, I’ve scheduled my usual weekly photo galleries, travel stories and travel tips to keep you entertained and inspired. Hope you enjoy them!

Lash in Krabi, Thailand pro shot

Lash in Krabi, Thailand

…off to Paradise, I’m outa here!

cheers, Lash


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