

Koh Tarutao Island National Park – Thailand

-beach - Koh TArutao - Thailand

gorgeous Koh Tarutao Island National Park – Thailand

Koh Tarutao Island National Park – Thailand

Koh Tarutao Island is the southernmost island in Thailand, lying just north of the border of Malaysia. It’s less than one hour by boat from Tarutao to Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Although public boats don’t actually run between these two islands, regular ferries do run between nearby Koh Lipe Island, Thailand and Langkawi Island.

Tarutao is a large, thickly-forested, mountainous island rimmed by fine-powdered white-sand beaches and dotted by dark stone cliffs and rock outcroppings. Over 100 species of tropical birds make Tarutao home, as do macaque monkeys, dusky langur monkeys, wild pigs, mouse deer and large monitor lizards. A few rivers run from the interior to the warm Andaman Sea. Waterfalls splash into those rivers, in the midst of dense jungle.

Koh Tarutao at HQ

Koh Tarutao at HQ

As a national park, Koh Tarutao Island has been preserved in a natural state. There’s no commercial development whatsoever. The beautiful pristine island is unmarred by souvenir shops, travel agencies, resorts, restaurants, bars or any other privately owned businesses that have taken over many Thai islands. A national park office, shop, restaurant, bungalows and campgrounds are the only human marks on the island.

Thus Tarutao is an island for people who love nature, outdoor activities, camping, solitude and quiet. Depending on how long you enjoy being completely immersed in nature, Koh Tarutao could keep you occupied for a couple of days or a couple of weeks. 

Ao Pante Beach - Koh TArutao

Ao Pante Beach – Koh TArutao

Tarutao National Park actually includes 52 other nearby islands, mostly uninhabited and unused. But one cluster of islands further out from the mainland offer various facilities and regular boat access. They are Koh Lipe, Koh Adang and Koh Rawi.

Lipe has been commercially developed for tourism and recently has become the next ‘hot spot’ destination in Thailand. In complete contrast to the other Tarutao National Park islands, Koh Lipe is packed with resorts, guest houses, restaurants, shops, bars, dive shops, travel agents and other tourist businesses. It’s a noisy, bustling place.

But neighboring Koh Adang and Koh Rawi are kept in an ‘au naturale’ state. The only facilities on those two islands are a small national park office, a camping area and a park restaurant.

Tarutao Island is, by far, the largest island in the national park. Park headquarters are located there and it offers the most facilities within the park as well as the largest variety of outdoor activities:

Great outdoor activities at Koh Tarutao:

campsite on beach - Koh Tarutao - Thailand

campsite on beach at Tarutao

1. Camp on the beach

Tarutao is an excellent and easy place to camp on a choice of three beaches. The park has rental tents or you can bring your own. Beach camping areas are not far from the park restaurants and bathrooms. Camping is safe, both in terms of wild animals and theft. Nobody will disturb your tent or belongings.

The only animals to worry about are macaque monkeys. But the clans on Tarutao are pretty shy of humans. As long as you keep your tent closed and don’t leave food inside, monkeys won’t bother you or your belongings. *However, at Ao Molae monkeys regularly break into tents searching for food.

Pick out your own camp site under shady trees, right on the beach, with stunning views of the clear blue Andaman Sea, distant islands and gorgeous sunsets.

2. Kayak on the river / visit a cave

A small calm clear river runs inland at the HQ pier. The park rents out kayaks for visitors to paddle the river (100 Bt per hour). There’s an interesting cave to visit about 1 ½ hour’s paddle up river. (3 hours RTN)

Toe Boo Hill - Koh Tarutao

Toe Boo Hill – Koh Tarutao

3. Climb up Toe Boo Hill

At the park headquarters area, 700 M Toe Boo Hill rises just behind the bungalows and visitor’s center. A steep 15-20 minute climb will take you along dirt paths, past stalagmites and up stone steps to the summit where a small pavilion offers sun protection while you enjoy superb views over Tarutao’s hilly interior and over the sea to distant islands. Sunsets from the hill are magnificent.

4. Learn about Koh Tarutao

This isn’t exactly an outdoor activity, but it’s worth stopping by the educational center at park headquarters to learn about Tarutao’s history as a penal colony as well as details on the birds, animals and vegetation found on Koh Tarutao. A full whale skeleton is one of most striking displays in the collection.

Lu Du Waterfall - Koh Tarutao

lovely Lu Du Waterfall – Koh Tarutao

5. Hike to Lu Du waterfall

From Ao Son visitors can hike a lovely forest trail 3 km, about one hour, to pretty Lu Du Waterfall.  The first is about 30 minutes’ hike from the road sign. The second, another 30 minutes.  Clear green cool pools invite refreshing swims at the base of each waterfall.

While I was at Tarutao, several people told me they had trouble following the trail, but I didn’t have any difficulties. If you do have trouble following the trail markers, you can always just hike up the stream. That will eventually take you to the two  waterfalls.

This is a great midday activity, off the hot beaches, out of direct tropical sun.

6. Cycle the island’s few roads

The park office rents out hybrid mountain bikes for 200 B per day. Visitors can cycle to Ao Moe Lae (4 km), Ao Son (4 km) and the abandoned prison. (12 km). Tarutao’s limited roads are paved from the pier area to Ao Molae and to the prison. They are in decent condition. Some sections are flat, but mostly it’s a hilly ride. From Ao Molae to Ao Son, the road is partly paved, partly dirt.

Koh Tarutao - Thailand

Koh Tarutao road

7. Explore the island by foot

Visitors are welcome to hike the island’s roads. From headquarters at the pier, it’s 4 km to Ao Moe Lae, another 4 km to Ao Son. A branch road to the island’s east coast leads to an old prison site located 12 km from the pier/ HQ.

A truck ‘taxi’ runs between the HQ pier and Ao Moe Lae 1-3 times per day, so you could potentially walk one way and catch the truck one way. Be sure to ask what time the truck is running, though, so you don’t miss the last one if you intend to return to HQ by truck.

8. Go bird watching

Tarutao is home to 100 species of tropical birds. Even at park headquarters you’ll hear and see many amazing birds flying around. Oriental Pied Hornbills, Orioles, Drongos, Bee Eaters, Common Mynas, Kingfishers, Egrets and Herons are all common. High overhead, Brahminy Kites and White-Breasted Eagles soar on the wind.

monkey on beach - Ao Molae - Koh Tarutao

macaque monkey seraching for food on beach at Ao Molae – Koh Tarutao

9. Watch macaque monkeys

A few macaque monkeys wander around park headquarters at Ao Pante, but at Ao Molae dozens of them wander around. That’s the best place to observe their natural behavior.  Watch them stroll along the beach searching for food at the high tide line, catching crabs and eating vegetation near the edge of the beach. They also climb the trees, jump from tree to tree and chatter to each other. Fascinating.

beach - Koh Tarutao

long, sweeping beach at Koh Tarutao

10. Enjoy quiet, undisturbed beaches

Of course one of the main attractions at Tarutao are its beautiful, pristine beaches that rim the island’s 26 km west coast in the calm, warm Andaman Sea. The most easily accessible beaches are those at park HQ, Ao Molae and Ao Sone.

Enjoy all the usual beach activities: walking, jogging, swimming, looking at shells, suntanning, relaxing under shady trees, reading books, admiring the superb views.

Ao Pante pier - Koh Tarutao

Ao Pante pier – Koh Tarutao


Park Entry Fee:

200 B for foreigners / 40 B for Thais and foreign residents


Visitors have two accommodation choices at Tarutao: park bungalows and camping on the beach.

Tarutao offers both bungalows and camping at three beach areas. Bungalow prices vary at each area, though camping fees are the same:

Ao Pante – ie. Park headquarters located at the island’s main pier

 Ao Molae – a small curved bay located 4 km from park headquarters, accessed by a hilly paved road

Ao Molae has a restaurant, a few bungalows and camping under shady trees at the beach. Monkeys are rather pesky at Ao Molae and regularly break into tents searching for food. If you’re camping, keep food at the park restaurant.

 Ao Sone – 4 km beyond Ao Moe Lae / 8 km from headquarters is long, sweeping Ao Son beach. It’s a bit rocky at the entry area where a small river flows into the sea. Beyond that a beautiful empty sandy beach stretches 3 km southward. The hike to Lu Du Waterfall begins on the road just before Ao Sone.

This is the most remote and quietest place to stay. Not only is it the furthest from the pier, but visitors can only get there by walking from Ao Molae, privately hiring the park truck taxi, or hiring a longtail boat.

Ao Sone also has a restaurant, bungalows and camping on the beach.

VIP bungalows - Koh Tarutao HQ

VIP bungalows at Koh Tarutao HQ


Bungalow prices vary in each of the three areas.

Longhouse, at park headquarter only- 500 Bt

Stand alone bungalows- 

Ao Pante / park HQ – 600 Bt / 800 Bt

Ao Molae – 600 Bt

Ao Sone- 200 Bt / 400 Bt


The park rents out tents, sleeping pads, sleeping bags and hammocks at the visitors center at Ao Pante. Alternately, you can pitch your own tent.

Rental tents: 150 B small / 225 B large per night

Pitch your own tent: 30 B per night

visitors center - Koh Tarutao

HQ Visitors Center – Koh Tarutao

Tarutao Island Facilities:

HQ at Ao Pante

visitors center

shop with basic supplies like water, snacks and medical supplies

park map with points of interest marked

park educational center with displays, photos and information posters





bathrooms and showers

truck ‘taxi’ daily to/from Ao Moe Lae

beach - Koh Tarutao (2)

Ao Molae beach – Koh Tarutao

Ao Molae


bathroom and showers



-beach - Koh TArutao

Koh Tarutao

Ao Sone


bathroom and showers




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