

Travel Story: My First Ever Trip Overseas

trravel story - London - England

London, England

Travel Story: My First Ever Trip Overseas

The very first time I left the USA, I flew myself to England and France. Specifically, I ventured to London and Paris, for one week in each city. I was 21.

Why London and Paris?

My choice had nothing to do with an especially burning desire for either city over other international destinations. In fact, my long-standing travel wish list included Africa for safaris, Australia for koalas and Hawaii for a tropical island paradise. I was much more excited about the great outdoors than modern cities, though I did love cities too.

Truth be told, I was inspired to take my first overseas trip by two international conventions.

International Hairdressing Conventions.

Lash hair designer - Pittsburgh - Pa

my 1st career at hair designer – Pittsburgh – Pa

At the time, I was attending university and kicking off my first professional career as a hair designer. Working at one of the most prestigious salons in Pittsburgh, Pa. entailed continuously polishing my skills, keeping up with the latest international hair and fashion trends, and continuing my education.

My colleagues and I were enthused about hairdressing. We poured over international hair magazines, idolized our favorite international designers and attended national and international hairdressing conferences regularly.

For me, the two coordinated conventions in London and Paris would be my first major international hair conventions. Many of my hairdressing ‘Gods’ and ‘Goddesses’ would be teaching their latest styles and techniques in cutting, coloring and styling.

So not only was the trip my first taste of world travel, it was my big chance to learn hair design from the stars. It was also my first ever flight – to anywhere. Needless to say, I was practically squirming out of my skirt with excitement.

My father drove me to New York City to catch my flight over the Atlantic. On board, I thrilled to my first airplane take off. Faster and faster we accelerated down the runway. I found myself whispering, “ Go, go go!”

flight take off - sunset

flight take off at sunset

And then we were air-bound, soaring up through the clouds. The sights of big fluffy white clouds right outside my window and the ever-receding Earth way down below were more breath-taking than I could have imagined. To this day, hundreds of flights later, I still thrill to every flight take off and the astounding visuals while suspended thousands of feet up in the air.

It was a night flight, so I slept over the Atlantic. We arrived in London the next morning without a hitch. I checked myself into a small guest house. Then I promptly set out to explore London.

Buckingham Palace - London  - England

Buckingham Palace – London

For an entire week I stomped excitedly around the city, starry-eyed, visiting every London attraction: Big Ben, Westminster  Abbey, Buckingham Palace and the changing of guards, London Bridge, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square, St Paul’s Cathedral, street markets, trendy neighborhoods and even Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum. I was a true tourist.

After I covered the entire city of London, I explored further afield in England’s lush countryside. I visited Windsor Castle, where I was dazzled by spacious high-ceiling-ed 18th century rooms and hallways, elaborately decor-ed with antique furniture, famous paintings, and gilded trimmings.

Big Ben - London - England

Big Ben

Outside, I wandered through hedge-lined mazes, stately rose gardens and all manner of English formal gardens. I became an instant fan.

By night I plunged into London’s wild clubs. I hung out with punks, met people from all over the world, developed a British accent and got my nose pierced. Exciting stuff for a girl from a small town in Pennsylvania!

As for the hair convention, it was even more thrilling than I’d imagined. I discovered all sorts of new scissors, hair irons, hair extensions, neon hair colors and the latest equipment and tools. I attended workshops by many of my favorite hair designers – from Scotland, England, France, Germany and Australia.

My biggest thrill of all was modeling on stage for my absolute favorite designer of all time: Irvin Rusk of Scotland. I emerged with a hair cut so modern, so cutting edge, that I was soon taken aback by hairdressers from around the world photographing me during the rest of my trip.

Eiffel Tower by Moyan Brenn - FL CC

Eiffel Tower – Paris

While sightseeing around London, tourists repeatedly asked to photograph me, mistaking me for an authentic London punk. I found it especially amusing when American tourists photographed me. If only they knew I hailed from Pennsylvania!

In Paris, I was even repeatedly stopped at the Eiffel Tower to be photographed! It was my big moment as a ‘real fashion model’. lol

After one week exploring every nook and cranny of London and beyond, I caught a ferry across the English Channel to Paris. Like London, I proceeded to march around the city exploring everything Paris had to offer. And, of course, I attended the second hair convention.

However, I quickly tired of the Parisians’ infamous snobbery, left early and returned to London for my final days abroad.

Westminster Abbey - London - England

Lady Chapel of Westminster Abbey – London – England

I was smitten with London and impressed by England’s lush countryside. But with only one week and a bit in the country, I had no time to explore any of England’s other famous destinations. I would have liked to visit Shakespeare’s hometown, Cambridge, Stonehenge, the Lake District and Liverpool- home of the Beatles.

I vowed to return one day to travel around England more extensively.

international flightFor the time being, my exciting vacation ended all too soon. I caught my flight back to the US sporting my snappy new haircut & pierced nose. I was laden down with hair design magazines, fresh ideas and new equipment, all ready to dazzle my clients and colleagues with the latest international styles.


Where was your 1st trip overseas? Why did you choose that destination? 

Have you ever been to London? What are your favorite attractions? 


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