

PHOTO GALLERY: Three National Parks in Utah – USA

national parks in Utah - Arches National Park - Utah

Arches National Park – Utah

PHOTO GALLERY: Three National Parks in Utah – USA 

Utah is a stunningly beautiful state full of amazing national parks featuring rock outcroppings, pinnacles, canyons and cliffs. They present a surprising diversity of formations and colors.

I was lucky enough to visit three of them, namely, Canyonlands, Arches and Bryce Canyon.

Of the three, it’s very hard to choose a favorite. Each one has such stunning and unique rock formations. Arches, of course, is filled with rock arches. Canyonlands, not surprisingly, is an area of vast canyons, similar to Arizona’s Grand Canyon. Bryce Canyon is filled with otherworldly, brightly colored rock pinnacles that look as if they’ve been dripped grain by grain, like one of those wet sand castles I used to build on beaches as a kid.

I hope one day to visit Utah’s other rocky national parks: Zion, Glen Canyon, Capital Reef and Staircase Escalante. I wouldn’t mind checking out famous Salt Lake City as well.

Meanwhile, please enjoy these 15 photos of three great Utah national parks.



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    […] Arches, Bryce Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks – Utah […]

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