

NEWS: My Vietnam Travel Story Recommended by Adventurous Kate

ADventurous Kate - Veitnam

ADventurous Kate – Veitnam

NEWS: My Vietnam Travel Story Recommended by Adventurous Kate

Recently fellow travel blogger, Adventurous Kate, wrote up an excellent post about whether or not solo women travelers should visit Vietnam. Kate gave her own impressions of traveling through Vietnam. Then she asked other female travel bloggers our experiences visiting the county.

After reading through all our stories, Kate pointed out the main themes and perspectives she gleaned from all our tales. Then she put together her most excellent post, Is Vietnam as Bad as Nomadic Matt Says?  mentioning several of our travel stories as examples and references for any travelers trying to decide about visiting Vietnam.

Kate graciously included my story: Train to Sapa and Vietnam’s Northwest Mountains

Great post, Kate!

Check out Kate’s post and the various female travelers’ stories to make up your own mind about visiting Vietnam.


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