Book Review:
Getting Out of Auto Digital Photography Guide by Beth Salvon of Beers & Beans
… Is what I have to say about Bethany Salvon’s super-helpful photography ‘How To’ eBook.
Literally within a couple hours of reading just the first chapter of ‘Getting Out of Auto‘ and following Beth’s instructions, I was already able to take photos that I’d never ever been able to take before. Much, much much better photos. I was astounded. Here are some samples:
Using Manual Mode
As impressed as I was with my instantly improved photos, I think I was even more surprised at how EASY it was to use manual mode on my camera! Up until that moment, I’d always relied on Auto Mode.
I’d never even tried Manual Mode. I feared it was really complicated. I thought it would entail intense concentration and a big mental struggle to comprehend and put into practice the concepts of shutter speed, aperture and ISO. I thought it would require a lot of fiddling, practicing and analysis of photographs to improve my skills in manual mode.
I reasoned that the camera’s auto mode must surely be able to take the better photos than I could starting out as a beginner in manual mode.
I assumed that only after lots and lots of diligent practice could a serious photographer make better photos than a digital camera’s auto mode, what with cameras having all sorts of built in sensors and means of adjusting an exposure properly.
I’d resisted learning to use manual mode for years and years for exactly those reasons. Simply put, I was intimidated by the complexity of cameras and photographic techniques.
Imagine my utter amazement at suddenly producing infinitely better photos on manual mode within just two hours of starting!
Instead of manual mode being difficult and complex, I discovered that it’s actually quite simple! Just like Bethany claimed! And that was incredibly exciting!
Three main technical photography concepts
To work well in manual mode, I learned that I really only had to learn the function and purpose of 3 camera concepts: shutter speed, ISO and aperture. Once I grasped each concept then tried it out with a few practice shots, I was up and running. Beth explains the concepts in really simple terms. Easy as!

Another shot I took within a few days of reading Getting Out of Auto- Petronas Twin Towers & KLCC at night
Getting Excited About Photography
When I saw how much better my photos were, so quickly and easily, I was suddenly motivated to photograph everywhere, all the time. I was super excited to take photographs all of a sudden. Instantly, photography was hell of a lot more fun. Just like Beth claimed!
However, that was just the beginning of the many photography lessons in Getting Out of Auto. That was just chapter one! After I played around with ISO, aperture and shutter speed settings with my camera for a few days, I delved into the rest of the book.
Other Tips in Getting Out of Auto
Beth explains the basic/technical rules of composition, depth of field and blur. She explains how to shoot in different types of light and weather conditions plus how to manually improve lighting conditions with simple techniques.
She also gives tips for taking portraits, up-close shots, food shots, indoors shots, silhouettes, and landscapes. She discusses B&W vs color photography. She gives tips on avoiding camera shake, how to make HDR photos, and cropping photos properly.
Throughout, the book includes many photos, illustrations and samples to illustrate the concepts.
Free Tools and Charts
At the end of the book, Beth has included several helpful illustrations / charts / samples that visually illustrate the differences in shutter speed, depth of field, exposure and ISO. And gives away two free simple tools for making better compositions.
Beth makes photographic techniques / concepts easy to understand and accessible to anyone ready to learn. She sticks to simple words and explanations. She acknowledges that you don’t need fancy or expensive camera / photography equipment to take great photos. You can take great photos with an iPHone or a basic point and shoot camera.
You just need to understand the basic concepts & techniques, practice shooting, and use your imagination / eye.
Do You Want to Get Out of AutoMode?
If you’re currently still taking photos in Auto Mode, you’re afraid to use Manual Mode, you’re intimidated by photographic techniques … but you’re eager to take better photos, then Beth’s eBook will help you out!
Perhaps, just like me, you’ll be taking astoundingly better photos within only a few hours. You’ll be amazed at what you can do and how easy it really is.
On top of all that, Getting Out of Auto costs only $10 US!
Why not give it a try?
You really can’t beat this opportunity to improve your photography, no matter what your reasons for taking better shots.
Learn more about Getting Out of Auto or Purchase eBook
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*note- I do receive a commission on any books you purchase through this review or my book store. Thank you very much for supporting me and LashWorldTour! Blogging is a full-time job which requires a tremendous amount of work on my part to bring you all my travel tips, stories, photos and advice. Thanks for your support! cheers, Lash
6 pings
2012/11/23 at 4:24 pm (UTC 8) Link to this comment
[…] out on the road! cheers, Lash Read my review of Beth’s fantastic photography eBook, Getting Out of Auto Review (* all photos by Bethany Salvon / Beers and Beans, used with written permission. Thanks, Beth! […]
LashWorldTour Best Photo Galleries of 2012 - LashWorldTour » LashWorldTour
2013/01/08 at 2:02 pm (UTC 8) Link to this comment
[…] photography basics, skills and tips. Thanks so much Beth!(check out Beth’s book or read my Review of Getting Out of Auto if you’re interested in improving your photography skills)Other important factors included […]
Matador U photography course review
2015/08/12 at 4:57 am (UTC 8) Link to this comment
[…] 2012 I seriously upped my game by reading and applying Beth Salvon’s eBook Getting Out of Auto. That book did exactly what it claims – it got me shooting in manual mode, all in a very easy and […]
Photos with Deep Depth of Field
2015/08/16 at 7:34 am (UTC 8) Link to this comment
[…] about the use of aperture for determining DoF in 2012 when I read Beth Salvon’s brilliant book Getting Out of Auto. Her book taught me how to easily use manual mode and the uses of shutter speed, ISO and […]