

PHOTO GALLERY: Gili Meno Island – Lombok – Indonesia

Gili Meno - Lombok - Indonesia

Gili Meno – Lombok – Indonesia

PHOTO GALLERY: Gili Meno Island – Lombok – Indonesia

I’ve landed in paradise!

A Robinson Crusoe-style white-sand island with thatched huts, no motorized vehicles, crystal-clear aquamarine seas, a fringing coral reef, ‘restaurants’ on sand and very few people.

At Gili Meno I’m simply surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature: gentle waves lapping the shore, a distant roaring ocean, wind rushing through pines and palms, birds, insects, cows, roosters and goats.

Ponies & carts (cidomo) provide Gili Meno’s only transportation. Their jingling bells warn of their slow aproach along the island’s sand roads.

Powdery-white sand beaches rim the entire island. Just offshore, below the glassy sea, are extensive coral reefs full of colorful marine fish and sea turtles.

Helpfully, Gili Meno offers a few  modern ‘necessities’: electricity, internet access, and espresso coffee. That’s all I need!

To top it off, Meno has plenty of my favorite of all creatures: cats!

My perfect paradise, I do believe.

Please enjoy these 36 images of stunning Gili Meno… and start dreaming!



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  1. PHOTO GALLERY: Boats of Gili Meno Island - Indonesia - LashWorldTour » LashWorldTour

    […] LashWorldTourTravel Blog offering Cultural Insights, Travel Tips, and Tales of Adventure from 14+ years of world travelsHOMEABOUTAbout LashWorldTourAbout LashContactWhat’s in a name?LashWorldTour Travel MapLash’s Travel Fast FactsMissionsWorld Travels Overview: 1991-2011PressCOUNTRIESASIABALI- INDONESIABalinese CultureDiving in BaliBicycling in BaliAmedSanurBali MiscBANGLADESHBRUNEICAMBODIASHANGHAI- CHINAHONG KONGINDONESIABaliJavaLombokJAPANLAOSMALAYSIAKuala LumpurPenangLangkawiBorneoDiving in MalaysiaMYANMARNEPALPHILIPPINESSINGAPORESRI LANKATHAILANDVIETNAMEUROPEENGLANDSPAINS AMERICABRAZILUSAADVENTURESBicycle TravelCycling Bali SeriesHikingScuba DivingSky DivingSurvivor TV CrewTravel DisastersWWOOFTRAVEL TALESCULTUREPHOTO GALLERIESTRAVEL TIPS10 Free Things to do in… SeriesAccommodation TipsFlight TipsTravel Safety TipsMisc Travel TipsBeyond GuidebooksTRAVEL RESOURCESTRAVEL INTERVIEWSREVIEWSLINKSTRAVEL STOREFREE eBookTRAVEL BOOKS STORELWT CYCLING AND HIKING GUIDEBOOKS TO BALI2012 CALENDARS wp_flash_img_show will display here (config: default)« TRAVEL INTERVIEW: Stephanie Yoder of Twenty Something TravelTravel Perspectives: Would I Ever Live in the United States? » PHOTO GALLERY: Boats of Gili Meno Island – Indonesia 2012/10/09 by Lash WorldTourBoats – Gili Meno – lOMBOK – IndonesiaPHOTO GALLERY: Boats of Gili Meno Island – IndonesiaStrolling around charming Gili Meno island, off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia, for days on end, I was surprised to discover that many of Meno’s abundant boats vary remarkably in design, construction and size.At most coastal regions and islands I’ve visited around SE Asia, I’ve found that local boats are invariably identical, save for the boat name or some other mark to distinguish one from another.But at Gili Meno, even boats of the same design often have slightly different hull shapes, outrigger arm construction and building materials. Boat sizes vary from cute little one-man fishing outriggers to large sampahs used as ferries between islands, which can easily hold 50 people or more. Then, of course, Meno’s boats also sport a wonderful rainbow of vibrant colors.If you’re intrigued by boats like I am, check out my photo collection of Gili Meno’s lovely boats.SEE FULL GALLERY And here are more photos of Gili Meno’s charms-  Photo Gallery: Gili Meno Island———————————————————————————————————————————— /* /* Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published.Name:Email:Website:Message:You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong> […]

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