


Alexandra Kovacova- Crazy, Sexy, Fun TravelerAs you can clearly see, Alexandra Kovacova IS the Crazy, Sexy, Fun Traveler. A Slovakian adventurer, Alexandra just loves exploring the world and living overseas. She particularly loves sun, sand, and sea. In today’s travel  interview we find out where Alexandra has lived around the world, get advice for living abroad, why she’s crazy about Mexico, and what her upcoming travel plans are. Let’s see what she has to say:

Q1: You’ve lived in 6 different countries so far! Which was your favorite and why?

I loved Mexico and Spain. I just love Spanish language and culture. In Mexico I was also obsessed with all the archeological ruins. But of course, home is home, so I really admire my home country, Slovakia, too and there are 10 reasons why I love Slovakia:


 crazy sexy fun traveler in Alicante SpainQ2: Is there anything difficult about living overseas, away from home? If so, what?

Yes, for me the most difficult thing is to be without my family. Almost 9 years living and traveling abroad is not as easy as it can seem at first sight.

 Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler in Barcelona- SpainQ3: Could you please tell us briefly what were the best and worst aspects of living in the countries you’ve lived in?

In Slovakia and Czech Republic, I don’t really like that it is difficult to earn money and that everyone speaks about everyone, even though they have no idea about other person’s life.

In Scotland I hated the weather because I need Sun to do things and with the wind and rain it is not possible. But in all these three countries I really like the nature. And I love Slovak food!

In Spain I like almost everything, apart from the sea food. And in Mexico the only 2 things I didn’t like were that it can get dangerous in some places and the spicy food.

In Italy, well, Italian cuisine is the yummiest! But I didn’t like working with the Italians. They make problems where there are none.

 crazy sexy fun traveler at Eiffel tower- Paris- FranceQ4: What advice would you give to people who are interested in living overseas?

Just do it. And take time to understand the culture and different habits people have there. It’s all about that. Don’t judge people there, though.

Alexandra Kovacova taking photos of the beautiful Mexican nature

Alexandra Kovacova taking photos of the beautiful Mexican nature

 Q5: You mentioned, that as a kid, Mexico was your dream country. Why Mexico?

I don’t even know why. Since I was a child, I have always been in love with Mexico and Latin America in general. I even wrote my final thesis at University about Mexico. It just has it all. Nice language, smiling people, the nicest beaches ever, and it is full of history. I visited 14 archeological sites in Mexico.

When I spent 3 months there in 2011, it was probably the best months of my life.

 Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler in Laguna de Coyuca in MexicoQ6: When you came up with your travel blog name, Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler, weren’t you concerned that you’d attract a bunch of seedy characters, get stalkers, or have undesirable men chasing you around the globe?

Well, yes, I was. But I was used to it already before that a bit. I don’t know why, haha. Besides, there are stalkers and all those weird men even if they don’t know the name of my blog :D

 Q7: So, have you had any problems with that?

Hm, sometimes I get funny messages/emails. That’s true, but I think I’m dealing ok with it. But it is one of the reasons I am online on facebook chat with only about 15 people and why I don’t use things like msn any more.

crazy sexy fun traveler paragliding in San Jose Iturbide

crazy sexy fun traveler paragliding in San Jose Iturbide

 Q8: On Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler you have your own travel guides to Mexico, Spain, and Italy. They’re really informative, but condensed, guides about activities, travel highlights, and destinations, as well as factual country info: food, language, climate, geography, etc.

Do you have any more country guides planned? If so, for which countries and when will you publish them?

Yes, I want to write travel guides about all the countries I have visited so far (almost 40 right now) but when? That’s in the stars, as we say back home … There are so many things to do with my travel blog that there’s never enough time for everything.

crazy sexy fun traveler shooting photos in Langkawi Island- Malaysia Q9: So what are your travel plans for the rest of 2012?

Actually, I was supposed to be in Peru now and then go to Ecuador and Colombia, but instead I am in Panama and Costa Rica. On the 24th May I’m going back home. I will be in Europe until September for sure, visiting friends, having friends over, traveling around Slovakia and neighbor countries, spending time somewhere at the beach … Then I have no idea what to do after September, but I will come up with something good.

Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on motorbike

 Q10: What other countries would you like to try living in? Why those particular countries?

Hm, that is a difficult question. Some Latin American countries for sure (like Peru) or maybe some islands or beaches somewhere not very well-known.


Thanks very much, Alexandra, for giving us some insights into living overseas in various countries and for sharing your travel life with us.

Follow Alexandra:

travel blog:  Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
facebook:  crazysexyfuntraveler
twitter:  sexyfuntraveler


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