

10 Free Things to do in Kuala Lumpur- pt 2- 10 MORE

Petronas Twin Towers at night

Petronas Twin Towers at night

10 Free Things to do in Kuala Lumpur- pt 2- 10 MORE

When I visited Kuala Lumpur in early 2012, I discovered heaps more free things to do there. Some I’d already done ages ago and forgotten about. Some were new to me, even though I’ve been in and out of KL several times per year since 2004. In any event, following are 10 MORE fantastic free things to do in KL:

Lash with Malaysian friends in KL

Lash with Malaysian friends in KL

1. Sleep au gratis and make local friends


As I mentioned in my original post 10 Free Thingsto do in Kuala Lumpur, this city’s budget guesthouses have much to be desired compared to those in neighboring countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia. In KL, rooms can be had for 20-30 MR ($7-10 US) but the value for money is quite poor. You’ll generally find yourself in a tiny window-less ‘room’ made of partitioned walls, which mean lots of noise. It’s much better on many levels to seek accommodation at locals’ homes.

Tripping is an international online resource for travelers. Local residents ‘host’ travelers by welcoming them into their homes for free. They enjoy meeting people from countries around the globe, exchanging travel tales, and introducing them to their home town. Both hosts and travelers join Tripping, post their profile photo and info, then start looking around for people to meet and visit.



Tripping has been growing exponentially during the past year, expanding their host listings throughout the globe. Currently there are about 35 Tripping hosts in KL. If you’re not already a member, go check it out, sign up, and try to find some locals to meet and/or stay with while you’re in Malaysia.

You can also check out my interview of Lauren Nicholl , Tripping’s friendly, gregarious community  manager, for an inside look at Tripping.

Malaysia Information Center

Malaysia Information Center

2. Investigate Malaysia’s country-wide attractions and enjoy cultural art displays

Malaysian Tourism Center on Jalan Ampang

One block downhill from Petronas Twin Towers, on Jl. Ampang, you’ll find the spacious and informative Malaysian Information Center. They offer brochures and information on every destination in Malaysia.

They provide free 30 minute internet sessions, unlimited free wifi (if you have your own laptop or smart phone), pleasant sitting areas both inside and outside, a display of traditional musical instruments, an art gallery with rotating exhibitions of local artists’ work, and a few shops.

The tourist police station and money changers are also located within the complex.

If you have questions about visiting Malaysia beyond KL or you’d like to jump online for free, this is the place to go near Petronas Twin Towers.

orchids at Lake Garden Park, KL

orchids at Lake Garden Park, KL

3. Take in the wonderful colors and aromas of orchids and hibiscus

In my previous post I mentioned a leisurely morning or all-day visit to KL’s lush, tropical landscaped Lake Garden Park. However, I didn’t point out that several additional free special enclaves exist within the park’s sweeping grounds.

Both the Hibiscus Garden and the Orchid Garden are open free of charge, except on weekends when it costs a whopping 1 RM ($ 0.35 US). :))

Here’s a great chance to enjoy some of the world’s most exotic, exclusive, and gorgeous flowers.

Orchid Garden is located directly across the road from KL Bird Park on Jl. Cenderawasih

Hibiscus Garden is located up a hilly side road off Jl. Cenderawasih, near the entrance to KL Bird Park.

4. Get face to face with deer and goats

 Lake Garden Park’s Specialty Gardens

While you’re at Lake Garden Park, check out more fun and free attractions: Taman Rusa dan Kancil  i.e. deer and mouse deer park. Located very close to the lake- just 50 M up from the lake’s main road. The goat ‘house’ is up on a hill beside the deer park. To reach it you must walk up the road outside the deer park, then turn right on the first road you meet. You’ll find the goats about 50 M from that intersection.

National Textile Museum -  KL

National Textile Museum

5. Learn about Malaysia’s rich and varied textiles

National Textile Muzium

traditional Malaysian clothes on display

traditional Malaysian clothes on display

Malaysia’s National Textile Museum is located right on Merdeka Square, a few blocks from Chinatown in ‘downtown’ KL. It’s housed in a handsomely restored colonial building.

If you’re at all interested in textiles, you can easily spend 2-3 hours examining the gorgeous and extremely varied fabrics from all over Malaysia, including the ‘wilder’ states of Sabah and Sarawak on Borneo Island.

On display, with excellent explanations in English, are batiks, woven fabrics, ikat, songat, gilded fabrics, jewelry and accessories. You’ll find textiles from Malay, Chinese, Indian, Perankan, Nyonya, and ‘Orang Asli’ (native tribes). All are showcased in impressive, artistically-created professional displays with excellent lighting.

Another bonus: the museum is housed in one of KL’s historic colonial buildings. Wander along the hallways, rooms, and balconies of a superbly renovated British/Moorish building.

From the second floor’s outside hallway, you’ll discover fantastic views of Merdeka Square and other beautiful colonial buildings. The museum also has a ‘resource room’, presumably with books about Malaysian textiles.

Lash as Muslim at Masjid Negara, KL6. Get your Muslim Fix

Masjid Negara

If you’ve ever wondered what you’d look like or how it would feel dressed as a Muslim, then Masjid Negara, Malaysia’s National Mosque, is your perfect opportunity! At the visitors’ entrance, attendants will en-robe you in full length lavender ‘gowns’, for both men and women. All us girls also get ‘treated’ to Islamic headgear for the visit.

You’ll be required to take off your shoes and enter barefoot. Wearing the traditional-style dress, in itself, is quite an interesting experience, and well worth visiting the mosque for.

Here’s how I looked: What do you think?

Masjid Negara is the largest mosque in Malaysia and one of the largest in all of SE Asia. It’s located on the edge of Lake Garden Park, close to downtown and Merdeka Square. Inside are sprawling, glistening corridors, water pools and fountains, and the inner prayer hall.

Non-Muslim visitors are welcome daily from 9-12 / 3-4 / 5:30-6:30. On Fridays (Islam’s holy day) the mosque is closed to tourists during the morning session.

If you’d like to watch locals attend mosque, head there midday on Fridays. (when you won’t actually be allowed inside) If you prefer quiet and solitude, visit any other day.

British colonial Moorish style Building at Merdeka Sqare - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

British colonial Moorish style Building at Merdeka Sqare

7. Do a self-guided city tour- or 2 or 3

I just discovered KL’s fairly new City Gallery, located in another beautifully restored colonial building on Merdeka Square. Last time I visited, the building housed the library. Now it offers the Kuala Lumpur Information Center and a company making models from wood veneer pieces. If you’re into models, it’s quite interesting to see the intricate products they’re making.

In any case, definitely stop by City Gallery to check out the gorgeous building and to get a free copy of their KL map which details 3 extensive walking tours of the city. Each walk is marked out on the map with dozens of attractions. Each attraction has a photo and description, so you know exactly what you’re looking for. Grab a map and set out to explore the city.

Brickfields- Indian neighborhood in KL

Brickfields- Indian neighborhood in KL

8. Get your color fix in Brickfields

Anyone who’s met me knows I adore vibrant colors. This website was even once referred to as a ‘Neon Blog’. I assume it was intended as an insult, but instead I felt immensely complimented. Thanks!

With that in mind, try imagining a place too colorful for the likes of me. Well, I recently discovered such a place. It’s Brickfields, one of the city’s renovated Indian districts, located just down from KL Sentral Station.

As soon as you arrive, you’ll see what I mean. Brickfields is so vibrant, it will leave you either gaping or chuckling. Walk up and down the rainbow-columned sidewalks, gaze at windows full of bright bangles and peer into shops presenting brightly colored sari’s. You don’t actually need to peer in shops since you’ll see plenty of sari-clad women floating down the street. Even Indian desserts are vibrant orange, yellow, pink and green. Just think: in addition to visual over-load, you can also eat color!

map at Bukit Nanas

forest map at Bukit Nanas

9. Explore a rain forest

Bukit Nanas

Bukit Nanas is a lush jungle-clad hill full of hiking trails amidst dense tropical vegetation, right in the center of KL. The hill is generally more famous for Menara Tower located on the peak than for its hiking trails. But it’s an excellent place to escape the bustling city, to exercise, and to experience a genuine SE Asian rain forest.

Many steep trails meander up and down the hill, so be prepared for a steamy hike. You’ll be serenaded by buzzing insects and twittering birds, while the distant drone of traffic and construction fade away. Here and there, you’ll catch glimpses of glistening city towers, seemingly close enough to touch- an unusual sight from a rain forest hiking trail.

The park offers many benches, picnic tables and pavilions for relaxing, plus dozens of display signs describing various trees, bushes and other flora.

Reach the park entrance on Jalan Raja Chulan, a 10-minute walk from Chinatown and Puduraya Bus Station. Run by the Malaysian Forest Department, the park also has a ‘refrigerated’ visitor’s center with attractive displays, although the information is quite basic.

Kuala Lumpur Train Station

Kuala Lumpur Train Station

10.Step back into history

KL Train Station and Heritage Station Hotel

This is one of the most interesting colonial buildings mentioned on the city walking tour. Its unique blend of British and Moorish architectural features makes it extremely attractive. Inside are even more unusual features.

Still a functioning train station, the building has also been converted into the Heritage Station Hotel. The lobby sports a rather peculiar reception desk and an even more peculiar restaurant.

My favorite feature is the original antique elevator- the kind with folding accordion metal outer ‘door’, an inner door, old floor buttons, and a rotating dial that indicates which floor you’re on.  This elevator is a real vintage treat, hardly seen anywhere in the world any more.

When you emerge from the elevator upstairs, you’ll find long rambling wood hallways and equally long outside corridors offering superb views of another gorgeous colonial building across the street, now housing the KTMB Headquarters. (Train company).


100 Free Things to do in Asia - eBook - LashWorldTour

100 Free Things to do in Asia – FREE eBook by Lash

If you found this post useful, you’ll love my FREE eBook:

 100 Free Things to do in Asia. It describes 10 free activities in 10 different Asian cities and destinations.

Check out my eBook here.



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10 Free Things to do in KL, pt. 1

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