


TRAVEL INTERVIEW - Johnny Ward- One Step 4 Ward

Johnny Ward- One Step 4 Ward

eating icecream in China
Meet super-adventurous fun-loving Johnny Ward of the cleverly named travel blog One Step 4 Ward. Johnny’s been out around the world hiking, mountain climbing, trying every air sport available, working, studying, and absorbing the cultures of a diverse array of countries. He began his adventures soon after university in 2006 and has not stopped since. 

Let’s find out what inspired him to hit the road and what he’s been up to these past 5 years…


Q1. You studied finance in University and fully intended to make a smashing career in the Financial world. Instead, you changed your mind and set out traveling and adventuring around the world. How did your family, friends, and acquaintances respond to your big decision? Were they encouraging and excited? Discouraging? Nervous and worried? Or?


Well I had planned to take a year out, teach English and head back so when I left it was easy. Everyone thought I’d be back in 12 months, including me! Then that never happened, and I never went home. I think it took about a year for them to realize that I had chosen a different lifestyle to the norm, but now they support it fully and come and visit me wherever I am in the world.


travel interview- Johnny Ward- One Step 4 Ward

Johnny Ward- One Step 4 Ward

Johnny and a hyena
Q2. Are there any other world travelers in your family or are you the so called ‘black sheep’ of travel?


My sister is a career woman in London now, married, mortgage and all the rest! So, although we’re really close, we’re very different. My mum loves my lifestyle though. When she hits retirement she’ll be following suit for sure!


Q3. Since 2006 you’ve traveled extensively through most continents and regions of the world, visiting over 50 countries thus far. Do you have a very favorite region of the world? If so, which and why?


I loved everywhere, as boring as it sounds, aside from maybe Johannesburg and LA. My favourite region to live is South East Asia, which ironically is my least favourite region to travel in! I’m a massive Thailand fan, and having lived in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. It’s in my blood now so there’s no turning back!

travel interview- Johnny Ward- One Step 4 Ward

Johnny Ward- One Step 4 Ward

paragliding in the Himalayas
Q4. Are there any places you’ve visited that you really dislike / can’t stand / never want to visit again / wouldn’t recommend to other travelers? If so, where and why?


Like I mentioned, Johannesburg and LA, but that’s it really. And that being said, I’d still encourage people to visit them so they can make their own judgments, which could be very different to mine. I found Johannesburg quite tense and LA very fake. I certainly won’t be going back to either of those. Cape Town, in South Africa, though, is amazing!


Q5. Last year you pursued your Master’s Degree in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. What was your degree in? Why KL, of all places, to do your degree?


I haven’t finished it yet actually. I love Malaysia, and I love Malay culture. It’s a cool country, amazing food, and quite cheap. And my university was actually a British University with an international campus, so my Masters will be looked upon well across the globe (I hope anyway!). My MA is in management and education, with my new company (Teach dot Travel) I bring people over to study their TEFL (English teaching qualifications) in Thailand and make the move overseas for a year or more, so I thought it would help me out a lot there.


travel interview- Johnny Ward- One Step 4 Ward

Johnny Ward- One Step 4 Ward

Johnny in front of Mt. Everest
Q6. You’re out to inspire people to follow their dreams, re-design their lives, and travel the world. What are the 2-3 questions most asked by your followers and fans?


I wouldn’t call them fans! Just people who are looking to make the move the same way I did a few years back! They always ask a) how do I afford it, b) where’s my favourite country and c) how can they make money online. I answer all my emails, so I try to help them out when I can.


Johnny bungee jumping at Victoria Falls
Q7. What’s your reply to those questions?


How do I afford it? Initially through teaching English, but now my blog, onestep4ward.com generates between $1k-$4k per month so I don’t need to ‘work’ so much. And with Teach dot Travel and my new site for wannabe backpackers aspiringbackpacker.com starting to generate revenue, I’m hoping I should be ok for a year or two yet.


My favourite country – I always say, it depends on if they mean favourite country to live (Thailand) or favourite country to travel in (Ethiopia, India, Indonesia).


How can they make money online? First up, get yourself to a new country, teach English or whatever you need to do to set up. Once you’re here, then start looking at it. Nothing breeds motivation like necessity. It worked for me and it’ll work for anyone.


Johnny teaching English in Thailand


Q8. What are you doing nowadays? 
I’m in Bangkok launching my company and building a new site. Other than that, I’m literally always traveling. Just came back from Koh Phi Phi and Krabi this morning. Off to Laos on Sunday and Korea next month.


On top of Kilimanjaro Norn Iron


Q9. What are your plans for 2012?


2012 is gonna be an awesome year for me! I’m going to North Korea in January then in February I’m going from Tibet to Ireland by land, via the trans Siberian train through Russia and Mongolia. Can’t wait!!


Q11. Are there any other places you’re still dying to travel to? If so, where and why? 


Bhutan and Angola for sure, simply because they’re so difficult to get to, so it makes me want it even more! That and the fact that they haven’t been destroyed by tourism yet. 
North Korea too, they only get 2000 tourists a year, I’m hopefully gonna be one of them soon!


Q10. Do you think you’ll ever return to Ireland to live permanently? Why or why not? 
Very very unlikely, to be honest. I just love living in new cultures, and experiencing new things. I lived in Ireland for 18 years, and it was great, but that chapter is closed for me now. There are so many more opportunities elsewhere. I want to experience them all!

Thanks so much, Johnny, for telling us about your wonderful life of travel and overseas living. Hope to meet you out on the road one day. cheers, Lash 

Follow Johnny:

Email me at: johnny@onestep4ward.com

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