

Budget Travel Guide to Adding Luxury to Your Travels

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Budget Travel Guide

Lash hiking in Java Indonesia

Budget Travel Guide to Adding Luxury to Your Travels


Independent budget traveling is a lot of fun. You get to really dig into the culture, interact with locals, support local businesses, and experience a lot of new sights, sounds, tastes and activities. You learn a lot about yourself and other people in the world. Traveling on a budget allows you to travel longer and further.

 All those travel activities can easily be missed by luxury travelers, who tend to stay separated from the real culture, wrapped up in their high-end resorts, far removed from local life.

Budget Travel Guide

Bungalow in Thailand

You might believe that as a budget traveler you’ll have to delete comforts and luxuries from your life all together. Fortunately, that’s far from the truth.

First off, you’ll be able to stay in basic, but clean, safe, and comfortable lodging, often in luxurious surroundings. You’ll be able to eat delicious, nutritious, plentiful, authentic traditional foods on a daily basis. And you’ll be able to participate in a never-ending variety of fun, interesting activities including cultural, outdoor and entertainment options. 

On top of that, you’ll be able to participate in some wonderful activities, places, and services that are considered luxuries in western countries, even things that you might not actually be able to do in your normal ‘home’ life.Believe it or not, as a budget world traveler, you can literally add more luxury to your life! How’s that? Many ‘luxuries’ are simply a lot less expensive in other countries. (which = affordable)

Case in point: consider my travels. As a budget world traveler for over 16 years, I continually visit art galleries, museums, performances and festivals. I get weekly massages, lounge in natural hot springs and saunas, visit luxury hotels, attend the symphony and movie theaters, plus a whole lot more. Here are my tips:

Budget Travel Guide- massage
traveler getting a massage in Thailand

Tip 1. Weekly massages

In North America and Europe who indulges in weekly body massages? Or even monthly massages? Not many people can afford that expensive ‘luxury’ service. Although many people consider massage to be frivolous, unnecessary and ‘only for the rich’, massage is actually extremely healthy for the body, mind and psychological health. If westerners, on whole, took better care of their health, massage might easily be considered essential, not frivolous.

 Of course, a big reason massages are considered a ‘luxury service’ is that they’re extremely expensive. But in many developing countries massages are very inexpensive. In those countries, ordinary citizens commonly enjoy regular foot massage, body massage, reflexology, head and neck massage, as well as massages for medical conditions and injuries.

In Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, and China massages are extremely inexpensive. Typical costs are $5- $10 US per hour! So whenever you travel through those countries, be sure to take advantage of this great ‘luxury’ service by getting regular massages.

Weekly or daily massages are perfectly reasonable. You’ll quickly notice the health benefits. And you’ll suddenly be living more luxuriously than you would back home, even as a budget traveler.

Budget Travel Guide- hot springs

hot spring in Hoddaido Japan

Tip 2. Hot springs, thermal pools, saunas

Hot springs and saunas are another activity/service generally considered a luxury in the western world. They’re also extremely beneficial to physical, mental and psychological health.

Several countries have natural hot springs that are either free or extremely inexpensive. The western USA has many natural outdoor hot springs, hot pools and hot rivers. Japan and New Zealand are famous for their outdoor geothermal pools and bath houses. Laos and a few places in Thailand have herbal saunas that cost about $5 US per visit. Bali also has some inexpensive spas with hot Jacuzzi or saunas for about $10 US per session.

Budget Travel Guide- symphony
Symphony orchestra

Tip 3. Symphony

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the Malaysia Philharmonic Orchestra performs in their concert hall at famous Petronas Twin Towers. Many performances cost as little as 10-20 MR ($3-7 US)

Look up their concert schedule when you’re in town. If there’s a concert while you’re there, buy a ticket, get yourself dressed up and attend the symphony for a change. Please note their simple but strict dress code and arrive properly attired or you won’t be admitted, even with a ticket.

Budget Travel Guide- beach

Lash on beach in Phuket Thailand


Tip 4. Hang out on tropical beaches

Many people, including myself, consider tropical beaches and islands to be ‘paradise on Earth’. Generally, from North America and Europe vacations to such tropical paradises are expensive and considered luxury travel.

Luckily, budget travelers can indulge in tropical beaches all over the world without stretching their pockets at all. After all, beaches are free.

Many islands and mainland beaches throughout SE Asia, Central and South America offer budget accommodation and food options right on the beach, making it simple and affordable to live in ‘luxury’ as long as you’d like. Tropical beaches offer so many free, enjoyable activities that your only expense will be for room and food.

Who can afford to spend a week or a month stretched out on luxurious soft sand, under the warm toasty sun, working on a golden tan, while sipping ice cold water, soda or juice? Budget travelers can, that’s who! Swim in clear, refreshing sea water. Walk, jog, or play frisbee on stunning sands. For more ideas, check out ‘10 Free Things to do on Tropical Islands and Beaches‘.

Budget Travel Guide- luxury hotel

Marina Bay Sands Hotel lobby- Singapore

Tip 5. Visit luxury hotel lobbies, gardens, and beaches

Some time ago I wrote about my secret travel hobby: visiting luxury hotels and resorts. As a quick summary, luxury hotels and resorts generally present stunning architecture, luxurious landscaped gardens, beautifully decor-ed lobbies and spanking clean beaches.

Even if you can’t afford to stay in such places, you most certainly can go admire the architecture, visit the lobbies, and even get an escorted tour of rooms, spas and fitness centers, if you’re bold enough to inquire about room rates and ask to see a room. After all, you just might reserve a room some day when you need a splash of luxury in the midst of your budget travels.

For full details, read My Secret Travel Hobby.

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spa fragrances and oils

Tip 6. Splurge once in a while

Since I just brought it up, an excellent way to refresh yourself when long-term budget travel becomes too grating on the nerves is to just bust out of your budget budget and book yourself into a luxury hotel, even if just for one night. Most westerners can afford to splash out, say $100 US, once a year or so, to indulge, even if you consider yourself broke.

There must be some birthday or Christmas money coming your way? There must be some special occasion from time to time? Perhaps the aforementioned birthday, a travel milestone, a business success? They are all good reasons to splurge once in a while. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed.

If you still don’t have enough money for a luxury hotel, or perhaps don’t especially enjoy them, then splurge on something else you love. Maybe a fabulous meal: sushi, steak, fine Italian pasta with wine? Maybe an afternoon at the spa or upscale hair salon? Perhaps some designer clothes or shoes? Maybe the latest electronic gadget you’ve been ogling?

Whatever makes you feel spoiled and refreshed, go for it once in a while, especially on a long-term budget lifestyle. You’ll feel much better.

Budget Travel Guide- art exhibit
attending an art exhibition in Surabaya, Java, Indonesia

Tip 7. Attend free museums, art galleries, openings, and other special events

Most museums throughout the world have admissions fees, ranging from cheap to very expensive. However, many museums also offer a free or discounted admission time either weekly, monthly, annually, or for special occasions.

In addition, they often have special openings and events, some of which are free. Museums also have fabulous art shops with exceptional gifts and art for sale. You can see a surprising variety and quantity of art entirely for free simply by visiting museum shops.

Besides museums, antique shops and art galleries of all sorts: paintings, sculpture, glass, fabrics, jewelry are entirely free to browse. As long as you don’t feel obligated to buy something, browsing art galleries is an excellent way to include some culture in your budget travels.

Diamond jewelry on display

Diamond jewelry on display

Tip 8. Visit high end jewelry and watch stores

Ever wonder what it feels like to wear a diamond necklace, emerald rings or a Tag Heuer watch? Ever wonder what YOU’D look like in those jewels? Ever wear a $3000 watch or $5000 necklace?

Well, don’t keep wondering. Just go to a high end jewelry store or watch shop and try some on! Seriously. Why not? You’re a potential customer to the clerks. They don’t know how much money you have, your net worth, or whether you can afford their merchandise or not.

Besides, who knows, maybe you’ll actually decide you love it so much that you will buy something. It could be a turning point in your otherwise budget lifestyle. All it takes is nerves. (You might want to polish up your outfit and hairstyle a bit first, though not absolutely necessary).

Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, and other major Asian cities have upscale shopping malls full of designer stores, gadget shops, jewelers and more. Perfect places to check out some luxury goods.

Tip 9. Go to the movies

Nowadays, going to the cinema in North America and Europe can be quite expensive. It could easily cost $25-$30 for two just to go see a movie at the theater. Tickets easily cost $10 or more. Whatever happened to that once inexpensive fun entertainment? Well, it’s in Asia.

Movie theaters in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, which showcase the latest Hollywood and local films, generally charge about $2- 3 US admission. That’s even affordable to budget travelers.

In addition to watching a fun movie, there’s a bonus at the end: The head trip of attending a Hollywood movie then emerging into… “Eh? What? Where the heck am I?” some Asian city. Time zone and culture zone snap. Zzzziipppp… back to reality!


If you like luxury travels like me, but can’t always afford it, check out this awesome guidebook: 

The Luxury Traveler's Handbook - Sarah and Terry Lee - travel book

The Luxury Traveler’s Handbook

by Sarah and Terry Lee, founders of LiveShareTravel – online travel & lifestyle magazine

In the authors’ words, “The Luxury Traveler’s Handbook proves that luxury travel doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s a show and tell guide on how to source luxury for less. Exploring everything from flights and hotels to shared ownership and glamping. The Luxury Traveler’s Handbook is your passport to smarter, more luxurious travel.”

Click here for print book                Click for Kindle version



Do you like luxuries? Which ones?

What other luxuries can you recommend for budget travelers?


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My Secret Travel Hobby
10 Free Things to do on Tropical Islands and Beaches
10 Free Things to do in Bangkok
Photo Gallery: Budget Accommodations Around the World
Photo Gallery: Architecture of Singapore

my free eBOOK: 100 Free Things to do in Asia


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