


travel interview- Ayngelina Brogan- Bacon is Magic
Ayngelina on top of Machu Picchu


Spunky Canadian Ayngelina Brogan bravely quit her prestigious job, flourishing career, pampered lifestyle, and even long-term boyfriend in order to pursue her nagging itch to travel the world.  That was over one year ago.  Enraptured by her new life, Ayngelina is now on an indefinite, nomadic world trip. Today we get the insider’s scoop on what’s behind her blog’s curious title, Bacon is Magic, what she’s learned thus far living nomadically, her favorite places, and how she took the plunge to unending global travels.  Without further ado, here’s Ayngelina:
Q1. You’ve probably been asked this hundreds of times, but I couldn’t find any explanation on your site, so… Why the title, “Bacon is Magic”? And what does that have to do with traveling

The reason it’s not on my site is because I haven’t figured out a way to concisely explain it but here is the long, convoluted explanation: it’s really my approach to life.
I used to get an organic food box every week and each week the contents would be a surprise and in some cases I encountered vegetables that I had never eaten or cooked. But I learned to add prosciutto to brussel sprouts or pancetta to turnip. My friends used to tease me that bacon was magic.
But it is also my approach to life: small changes can have a big effect.
travel interview- Ayngelina Brogan- Bacon is Magic
Q2. In early 2010 you gave up your life in Toronto and set off on a 1-year trip to Latin America. Why did you choose Latin America, of all destinations in the world
Well my initial plans were to spend 1-2 years traveling the entire world. I bought a one way ticket to Mexico and after Central and South America I wanted to see Africa, India, the ‘stans, and end in Mongolia. But Latin America captured my heart and I didn’t want to rush through it just because that was the ‘plan’ so I stayed for 14 months and plan to go back.
travel interview- Ayngelina Brogan- Bacon is Magic
Ayngelina happy at Colca Canyon
Q3. What were your 3 favorite places and why?
Answering the impossible question! Mexico is special to me because when I landed I did not speak Spanish and the people were so kind to me. In Central America I stayed with a family in Nicaragua so it will always be a special place. In South America I stayed in Ecuador for 3 months and realized I could never go back to my old life.

Q4. Were there any places you really disliked / hated / never want to visit again / wouldn’t recommend to travelers? If so, where and what was the turn off?
I wasn’t a fan of Honduras. I did not feel safe there and with many Hondurans in the US unable to send remittance back home I suspect there will be ongoing issues there. A lot of people carry hand guns, something you don’t see in neighboring countries. It was just a vibe but I was always a bit on edge.
travel interview- Ayngelina Brogan- Bacon is Magic
Hiking Machu Picchu in poncho
Q5. Many North Americans perceive South and Central America as dangerous. Did you find it safe traveling there as a solo female gringo? What advice would you give potential travelers about staying safe traveling in Latin America
It is really such an antiquated view of Latin America, people have no issue going to Italy or Spain but suddenly think they will go to Colombia and be raped or kidnapped.
However, I would not recommend Latin America for a beginner traveler. It does take some street smarts but the people are wonderful and I never encountered an issue with any of the men. In fact I felt much safer there than in Italy where the men are very aggressive.
But to be honest, I actually find posts and tips that are dedicated to solo female travelers to be shallow and patronizing. Both men and women need to be respectful and smart when traveling and other than knowing if I can buy tampons in a country I don’t need female specific advice.
Maybe I haven’t encountered a country yet where I would need it. But I can tell you the advice I would give women for Latin America is the same as men. In fact in a lot of ways I think women have an easier time because locals look out for you ad want to ensure you are okay whereas if you were a man they may not fee the need to.
Q6. What are the most important lessons you learned out traveling the world
Fears are so much smaller on the other side.
travel interview- Ayngelina Brogan- Bacon is Magic
‘mollenda with green’
Q7. About 10 months into your year-long trip you realized that you wanted to continue an indefinite, nomadic traveling life rather than return to a ‘normal’ sedentary life. Did your realization come on suddenly, like an ‘ah-ha’, or was it more like a slow gradual dawning? Was there a specific incident or moment that lead to your realization? Or a combination of things
It was probably a steady, growing feeling but something I didn’t have the confidence to pursue. But one day I had a nagging feeling and instead of being afraid to pursue location independence I realized I was more afraid to go back to my old life. I had changed and needed to make the leap.
travel interview- Ayngelina Brogan- Bacon is Magic
Ayngelinain South America
Q8. So, why do you love long-term nomadic life so much
Well it’s not because it’s easy because it isn’t. But today someone said that I had a cool job and I laughed because I had never thought about it as a job but just as my life. I never thought I would be an entrepreneur but I love having control over my own life, doing what I want when I want.
A few weeks ago my grandmother was in the hospital and we knew she was going to die. I came home immediately and stayed with my family for a month. If I had my old job, I would have had 5 days available to take off but would have had to return back to Toronto, likely upset that I abandoned my family. 
Q9. You recently finished your travels through Central and South America and returned to Toronto for a visit. You mentioned experiencing post travel depression. Could you go into more detail about your feelings and experiences upon returning to your home country after a year on the road
It’s not something that I fully understand myself and it is difficult to rationalize as it is completely emotional but I just felt like I didn’t fit in anymore. I could not relate to my friends and felt like I was isolating myself. 
The amazing thing about being vulnerable and writing about the low points of travel is that you realize you are not alone. A lot of people wrote in the comments, or emailed me personally to share their own story and instead of feeling awkward about it I realized it was a very normal feeling to have after being away for so long.
I did go back again two months later after spending time with my family and it was much better. I was able to connect with friends and feel much better about it all.
travel interview- Ayngelina Brogan- Bacon is Magic
eating lunch on the beach with Mica
Q10. Could you please compare / contrast life in North America and Latin America, as you experienced it
Well life within Latin American countries can be very different. Some have strong economies and feel like Spanish versions of the US and others are still developing. 
Latin America is a bit more in touch with their emotions. It is okay to express love, joy, fear and sadness there. People are not ashamed to cry, to yell at you on the street, to passionately kiss in the parks. I learned to be less ashamed of my feelings and not perceive some of them as being weak.
The countries in Latin America are much poorer than in North America and you can see the effects of capitalism here. While we have strict rules for working conditions here, our companies are going South and exploiting the land and the people for profit. 
In the end all people are the same, family is important, making a living is important. Unfortunately it can be much more difficult for them to do it. It gives me an appreciation of how lucky I am to be Canadian.
travel interview- Ayngelina Brogan- Bacon is Magic
self portrait
Q11. If I understand correctly, you (just set off / about to set off) on more travels. What’s your plan
Well I don’t plan more than 4 months but my hope is to spend some time in Europe for networking, return to Canada for Christmas and then head South again in the Winter. Also I am heading to Jordan in October and it is my first time to the Middle East so I am really excited about that.
Q12. Are there any places you’re just dying to visit? If so, where and why
So many places! In South America I still want to visit Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia. In the rest of the world I still want to go to Africa, Egypt, India, Mongolia – well pretty much everywhere. 
Thanks so much Ayngelina for the great insights into your world. Enjoy your continued journeys. See you out on the road! cheers, Lash 

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