


I’m thrilled to announce the official publication and online sales of my 2 guidebooks to Bali:

Cycling Bali: Guidebook to Circumnavigating Bali by Bicycle
Hiking in Bali. 20 Hikes in Amed: Bali’s Remote Northeast Coast

If you love cycling or hiking in beautiful, ever-changing natural surroundings, why not visit Bali, Indonesia for your next cycling / hiking excursion? Bali is renowned for it’s diverse, breathe-taking tropical scenery as well as it’s astounding cultural arts. These eco adventures will take you into the heart of the real Bali, outside it’s over-developed south coast tourist trappings.

Both books are comprehensive guides including essential traveler information like visas, arrivals, money exchange, food,

transportation and accommodation. The Hiking guidebook further details all the essentials you’ll need for your stay in Bali’s remote northeast coast, Amed, and for hiking the Amed mountains. The Cycling book provides comprehensive information on road conditions, bike resources and preparing your cycle-tour, including training, what to take, and how to take a bike on a flight.

It’s been a long, involved process writing, editing, formatting and publishing these books, involving a very steep learning curve on my part. I hope the end result will enable travelers, cyclists, hikers, and nature lovers to enjoy Bali’s natural paradise as much as I have. Happy reading! cheers, Lash
Both books are currently on sale at Amazon’s Create Space Publihers’ website as follows. Read more information about either book and/or purchase them:

Cycling Bali: Guidebook to Circumnavigating Bali by Bicycle    READ MORE or PURCHASE
Hiking in Bali. 20 Hikes in Amed: Bali’s Remote Northeast Coast  READ MORE or PURCHASE

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