In Bali nearly a day goes by without one Hindu ceremony or another. Locals dress up in traditional clothing, decorate streets and homes with hand-made bamboo ornaments, and compose colorful baskets of fruit offerings which they carry to the temples.

Often times the parades and gatherings are accompanied by a live gamelan orchestra pounding drums, clanging cymbols & gamelan and playing small wooden flutes. They are always very colorful, fancy and lively.
Ceremonies include special annual festivals, funerals, weddings, temple renovation rituals and a whole slew of other Hindu proceedings.
Bali has so many festivals and ceremonies that visitors are bound to stumble upon one or the other during their travels around Island of Gods, provided they leave the congested, touristy Kuta region. Many visitors are even invited to attend a local wedding, funeral or other personal family celebrations. All the colorful festivals and ceremonies are partly what makes Bali so unique and charming.
Check out these scenes from local Balinese ceremonies around the island. cheers, Lash
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