This Week I’m Heading to Belgium for the first time! My two-month travels and pet sitting assignments around Scotland are just finishing. On Monday, June 10th I fly to Belgium for the first time, where I’ll begin my 90-day tour around a few select countries in Europe. By the time you read this article, I’ll …
Wrap up of my Two-Month Explorations of Scotland 2024
Wrap up of my Two-Month Explorations of Scotland 2024 This week my two-month travels around Scotland comes to an end! Boy, that went fast! Way back in March, before I headed to Scotland, I wrote this article detailing my planned two-month itinerary around Scotland. I pointed out that I would be pet sitting at several …
Ten Unusual English Words in Common Use in Scotland
Ten Unusual English Words in Common Use in Scotland I’ve been traveling around Scotland, pet sitting various dogs and cats, for nearly two months so far. I knew before I arrived, from many prior experiences, that Scottish speakers’ English can be difficult to understand for us Americans (as well as other English speakers) due to …
9 Quintessential Scottish Traditions
9 Quintessential Scottish Traditions I’m writing this article from a little village in Scotland’s central highlands, within the Cairngoram National Park. I’m in the midst of my third pet sitting assignment in Scotland, here taking care of two beautiful black Labrador Retrievers. Thus far I’ve been traveling around Scotland for an entire month, doing pet …
My First Observations of Edinburgh
My First Observations of Edinburgh Last week, when I was just in Scotland for a few days, I wrote an article about my very first observations of the country. Now that I’ve had one full week to explore Edinburgh, I’ve noticed many many more interesting & fun things about the city. Edinburgh is full of …
My First Observations of Scotland
My First Observations of Scotland A few days ago I arrived in Scotland for the very first time. I haven’t yet had time to explore Edinburgh since my body is struggling to adjust to the new time zone (six hours ahead of NYC and Florida, my last locations) and I’ve also needed a few days …
20 Famous People from Scotland
20 Famous People from Scotland While I was researching for my upcoming travels around Scotland recently, I came across a list of famous people from the small, northerly country. It peaked my interest, but when I investigated further, I discovered that I did not know any of these world-famous people hailed from Scotland ! Ok, …
Exploring Scotland 2024: My Two-Month Travel Plan
Exploring Scotland 2024: My Two-Month Travel Plan In January I announced my 2024 world travel plans in this article. The gist of it is that after I finish my two-month cat-sitting assignment in Juneau, Alaska, I will head over to UK and Europe to explore the region from mid April through November…and then fky on …
Introduction to Indigenous Alaskan Tribes of Southeast Alaska
Introduction to Indigenous Alaskan Tribes of Southeast Alaska Several indigenous tribes have inhabited the region now known at South East Alaska for thousands of years before white man ever visited the area. The most prominent tribe has been Tlingit (pronounced ‘Kling’ ‘kit’), but also Haida, Chilkat and Tsimshian people have traditionally made the area home. …
All About Alaska’s Spectacular Inside Passage
All About Alaska’s Spectacular Inside Passage Unlike other US states that are dividing into counties, Alaska is partitioned into regions. More specifically, Alaska has five huge geographically-named regions: North, Interior, South West, Aleutian Islands and South East Alaska. South East Alaska, as it name implies, is located southeast of the bulk of Alaskan state. But …