


Lash- cave grotto spa in Ubud- Bali

Lash- cave grotto spa- Ubud- Bali


Sinking down into an enormous hot pool, in complete solitude, I was engulfed by glorious heat. Hot water seeped into my aching muscles that were screaming from yesterday’s extensive cycling. Soon heat invigorated skin tissue, soothed nerve endings and penetrated muscles. My face muscles relaxed. Stress melted away.

stone carvings- spa- Ubud- Bali

carved stone monkey and animal faces line the spa’s pool

Languidly glancing around, I discovered dozens of small faces peering back at me from the pool’s edges: frogs, lizards, turtles, pigs, rabbits, and monkeys, all carved in stone. Gazing upward at imposing stone-carved pillars, I unearthed bats, birds, snakes, dancing ladies, monsters, and dozens of monkeys staring at me intently.

cave grotto spa- Ubud- Bali

monkeys and other creatures stare out from the cave grotto’s tall tree pillars

What on earth were all these creatures doing here? Did they symbolize something for the Balinese carvers who’d placed them here? Or were they simply an artist’s whim?

It crossed my mind that a guest on LCD could very easily fall into a hideous nightmare in this dimly lit cave grotto full of leering faces. Fortunately I was sober, so I merely found the faces curious and amusing.

Bali- cave grotto spa- Ubud

lush Bali jungle outside the cave grotto spa

Turning my attention outside beyond the vast cave, I encountered Bali’s plush neon jungle sparkling in sunlight. The roar of Wos River racing through the steep gorge far below was actually drown out inside the cave, from the soothing gurgle of hot spa water.

Saturated by heat, I slowly stood up, climbed out and sat on stones beside the pool. I mused on how I’d been wanting to visit this fantastical grotto spa for 12 years, ever since I’d first discovered it in central Bali. Today, finally fulfilling my wish, I happily noted that this spa was every bit as wonderful as I’d imagined.

cave grotto spa’s sauna and steam room in the background

After cooling off, I wandered back to the spa’s wood-lined sauna. I pushed open the doors. Billowing hot clouds dashed out. I stepped inside and sat down, enjoying the distinctive smell of wooden sauna while a new type of heat penetrated my body.

After the sauna, I was thirsty. I called to a polite spa attendant who eagerly went off and then re-appeared momentarily with a cool glass of mineral water. I downed the refreshing water then slipped back into the large hot pool for another soak.

cave grotto spa- Ubud- Bali

cave grotto spa in all its glory

Next I made a visit to the steam room. More drinking water. Another hot pool soak. A rest on the pool edge. A stroll outside in landscaped gardens. Back in the hot pool. And so I leisurely plied away three luxurious hours in Ubud’s cave grotto spa, accompanied by silent stone jungle animals.

A few spa guests appeared from time to time and took a short dip. I out-lasted all of them.

garden pool-Tchampuan Hotel- Ubud- Bali

garden pool at Tchampuan Hotel- Ubud- Bali

I also napped briefly at the garden swimming pool. Cool wind caressed my warm skin and ruffled the palm fronds overhead.

I’m sure I could have luxuriated much longer, but gradually the call to eat tore me away from my fabulous afternoon retreat. I lazily slipped into my sun dress, slowly wandered through the hotel’s tropical gardens, and hopped on my bike to my favorite local eatery. My midday spa retreat was the perfect start to a luxurious day off in Bali.

gardens - Tchampuan Hotel - Ubud- Bali

gardens of Tchampuan Hotel – Ubud- Bali

Ubud’s unique cave grotto spa is located on the grounds of Tchampuan Hotel, itself perched on the outrageously steep banks of Wos River gorge. The hotel grounds consist of award-winning, terraced landscaped gardens stretching down to the river banks, far far below the hotel lobby.

Wos River-cave grotto spa- Ubud Bali

view of Wos River from spa

Non-hotel guests are welcome to their amazing spa for a mere $8 US for four hours’ use of the hot pool, cold pools, sauna and steam room. Here’s an exceptional chance to add a dash of luxury to your travels. Even most budget travelers can afford such luxurious treatment, if so inclined.

I previously visited another great outdoor hot spring in north Bali. Read my story: Jacuzzi in the Jungle

Find out my Tips for Adding Luxury to Your Travels and my Secret Travel Hobby.


Balinese carvingMt Agung from Sanur Bali Interested in being guided around Bali by an expert of the island?

Come join me on my 2-week small group tour of Bali in June, 2014. Four to ten guests will accompany me on a fun culture and nature immersion tour of the Island of Gods: Bali Nature & Cultural Tour.


If you like luxury travels like me, but can’t always afford it, check out this awesome guidebook: 

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The Luxury Traveler’s Handbook by Sarah and Terry Lee

The Luxury Traveler’s Handbook

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  1. 10 FREE THINGS TO DO IN UBUD BALI - LashWorldTour » LashWorldTour


  2. Travel Bloggers Best Dozen Project - LashWorldTour » LashWorldTour

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