

CYCLING BALI ADVENTURE: Circumnavigating Bali by bicycle

cycling Bali -Bali's south coast- Sanur

Lash during circumnavigation of Bali

CYCLING BALI ADVENTURE: Circumnavigating Bali by bicycle

On Nov 14th, 2010, at 7 am I set out to circumnavigate Bali by bicycle! Equipped with a top-notch bicycle and panniers from a most-excellent local friend, Ujang of VSO (Volunteer Service Overseas) I was well prepared to tackle Bali’s volcanic slopes, scenic coastal flat lands, twisting mountain roads and vast rice fields.

This bicycle adventure was my real-life research for the guidebook I’m writing on Cycling Bali.

cycling Bali -Sanur

Lash at Sanur

I completed my circumnavigation on Dec. 1, 2010, in Sanur, right back where I’d started from 19 days earlier. The trip consisted of 14 days of cycling and a  5-day stop in Amed to visit friends and partner. I found the trip challenging, fun, relaxing, exciting, infuriating, tiring, satisfying.. all rolled into one.

cycling bali - Bali's central mountains- Mt Agung

view of Mt. Agung, Bali’s holy mountain, from Sanur beach

During the trip, I reported live from the road with **fresh tales of adventure  and **stimulating photos of breath-taking Bali. In total, I’ve written one exciting, photo-packed cycle-travel tale for each day of cycling, plus a few extra stories on local points of interest along the way. Find them here

cycling bali - Bali's central mountains- Mt Batur

Bali’s highest temple at Penulisan on Mt. Batur crater rim

My next task, which I’m working on now, is to compile all my notes, statistics, experiences and pics into the guidebook I’m writing on Cycling Bali. Onward ho!

cycling Bali -Bali's southwest coast- Negara

pony taxi in Negara city, southwest Bali

Hope you’ve enjoyed my adventures! Check out my guidebook when it’s published later this year, and go pedal yourselves around gorgeous Bali island! I recommend it highly!

UPDATE: Cycling Bali was published on July 29, 2011. It’s on sale in print format on Amazon.com and in 3 eBook formats here at LashWorldTour Travel Book Store.

You can choose between pdf, ePub, and Kindle formats to suit your particular reading preferences.

In addition, I also wrote/published Hiking in Bali, also available in print format on Amazon.com and eBook formats on LashWorldTour TRavel Book Store.

cheers, Lash

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