

My 10 Best Travel Tips Articles of 2020 on LashWorldTour

Lash heading off to Morocco - 2019My 10 Best Travel Tips Articles of 2020 on LashWorldTour

At the beginning of every year I present a couple articles rounding-up my best posts from the previous year.

Last week I gave a list of what I consider to be my best over all travel articles of 2020. This week I recommend my best travel tips of 2020.

Last year the global Covid-19 pandemic seriously slowed down my intended travel plans. But I did manage to remain overseas the entire year and to explore four new countries.

I started 2020 in the small island nation of Cyprus. From there I headed to Turkey in early February. Turkey is where I got ‘caught’ in the pandemic lock downs for seven months.

Hvar fishing boat bay 1Finally in September I headed up to Croatia for three months and then on to neighboring Bosnia for 1 ½ months, where I spent a beautifully snowy Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Sarajevo.

Not surprisingly, all my travel tips in 2020 cover tips and advice for these four countries.

Considering that Turkey, Croatia and Bosnia are all countries that are still accepting tourists, even in this Covid world, I have hope that the following articles will be helpful to any of you out there getting itchy travel feet and hope to hit the road at least a little bit sometime soon.

Without further ado, following is my best travel advice from the Balkan region of the world:

1. The 17 Best Places to visit in Cyprus

2. Costs of Budget Travel in Cyprus in 2020

3. 10 Free Things to do in Istanbul – Turkey

4. 12 Fantastic Things to do in Istanbul for under $5 US

5. Why Istanbul is an Easy Travel Destination

6. Staying Safe Traveling During Covid-19

7. 10 Free Things to do in Antalya – Turkey

8. 8 Fantastic Day Trips from Fetiye – Turkey

9. Costs of Budget Travel in Turkey – pt 1 (Low Season)

10. Costs of Budget Travel in Turkey – pt 1 (High Season)


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