

Asia’s Amazing Shopping Malls

ION Shopping Mall - Orchard Road - Singapore

ION Shopping Mall – Orchard Road – Singapore

Asia’s Amazing Shopping Malls

Let me start this article by qualifying that I am not into shopping. At all. For instance, whenever making plans with friends or on my own, I would never come up with the idea, “Hey, let’s go shopping!”. Not gonna happen. I’m much more inclined to head outdoors for hiking or cycling, to visit a museum or art gallery, or to venture to a trendy cafe for an espresso and a chat. And I don’t resort to ‘retail therapy’ when I”m feeling down.

Shopping for me is a purely pragmatic endeavor. When I need a new dress, skirt, pair of shoes, electronic gadget, bike part, toothbrush or some such, then I make my way to a small shop or mall to buy exactly what I need, no more. On those occasions I really do enjoy browsing through the selections, choosing my favorites, trying them on and then using my new purchases. To that extent I’ll admit that yes, shopping is fun. But I certainly never think of shopping as a fun leisure activity or a hobby.

Star Vista Shopping Mall - Singapore

Star Vista Shopping Mall – Singapore

You won’t find it surprising, then, that I’ve always disliked shopping malls. At least while growing up in the USA. There, shopping malls are not enjoyable places to go and certainly not uplifting places to hang out. Architecturally, they are designed for purely practically, utilitarian purposes – essentially rectangular box structures with no interesting detailing, long plain hallways, few windows, little natural light and no ambiance whatsoever.

Besides their complete lack of architectural interest and atmosphere, the people who frequent America’s shopping malls are types I generally prefer to avoid: packs of raucous roaming teenagers and the dodgier end of lower class families, with their loud rough mannerisms. (no offense intended, please. Some people you click with and others you don’t. That’s all.)

KLCC - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

KLCC shopping mall at the base of Petronas Twin Towers is Kuala Lumpur’s most exlusive mall – Malaysia

I will admit that I did briefly find shopping malls exciting when I was a teenager and first discovered big city malls. About a grand total of three times I thought malls were fun. After that I quickly came to disdain shopping malls and henceforth avoided them like the plague. They were not places I wanted to hang out, immerse myself in or even step foot inside.

shopping Mall; - MBK - Bangkok - Thailand

MBK in Bangkok – Thailand – by Brad Augsburger Photography

Then I moved to Asia. Here I discovered a whole new meaning for ‘shopping mall’.

Not so much in Japan, but once I started traveling around SE Asia, I began finding amazing shopping malls that exhibit astounding modern architecture, wonderful ambiance and an entirely different class of visitors.

Particularly in major cities like Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Shanghai, shopping malls are an entirely different ball game from their sad counterparts in the USA.

Asia’s shopping malls are so amazing that I’ve actually come to seek them out whenever I visit new cities. For me, they are destinations in themselves.

And in certain cities, I make a point of returning to my favorite malls every time I visit, just to sip an espresso while soaking up their pleasant atmosphere and admiring the masterful architecture and detailing.

Every mall is different but some typical features of Asia’s best malls include:

Marina Bay Sands Mall - Singapore

Marina Bay Sands Mall – Singapore

* Light, spacious airy ambiance created by very high ceilings, lots of floor to ceiling windows, and massive atriums and lobbies.

* Unique architectural design, both inside and outside.

* Open-aired cafes in spacious hallways or lobbies, providing astounding views of the mall interior architecture.

* Some have pools, fountains, artificial streams.

*The exterior walls of some malls double up as massive video screens, which showcase changing light displays, video ads, music videos and movie clips.

I’m not into shopping but I am into modern architecture, new innovations, luxurious spaces and great atmosphere. So in Asia, I’ve come to love shopping malls. Not to shop (except on occasion) but to admire the buildings themselves.

If you’re into new experiences, modern architecture, or ambient spaces, I recommend that you make a point of seeking out a few big city shopping malls while you’re visiting Asia. They are whole different worlds in themselves.

Orchard Central Shopping Mall - Singapore

at night the exterior walls of Orchard Central Shopping Mall display vibrant videos – Singapore

Here are a few amazing malls to check out in SE Asia:

Bangkok, Thailand: MBK MaBoonKrong

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: KLCC at the base of Petronas Twin Towers

Singapore: ION and Orchard Central Malls, both on Orchard Road (check out their exterior walls at night)


Do you like shopping malls? Why or why  not? 

Do you have any favorite malls in Asia? 


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