



Even though I’d been traveling and living in Asia for nearly 17 years, when I moved to Shanghai I STILL came across some curiosities: funny, strange or unusual sights and experiences that I’ve seen nowhere else! Such as:

cultural insights- Shanghai- China- dog shoes

Even dogs need warm feet

>Dogs wearing SHOES! Yep, little doggie shoes on each paw, usually sneaker style, to protect their feet on outdoor excursions. Very funny and charming!


>Dogs wearing plastic raincoats! Once again, doggie style raincoats, complete with hoods!


>In supermarket fish departments you can find buckets of frogs on sale- for consumption of course.


>Buckets of turtles are likewise on sale at most outdoor street markets. I assume these turtles are farm-bred because they are all the same species and size


>Outdoor sinks. In the old neighborhoods, the household sinks are OUTSIDE, in front of the house, basically on the street. People do their washing activities out ‘in public’- rinsing vegetables and meats, washing clothes, brushing their teeth, washing the dishes, and so on. Very odd, especially in winter!


>People have an odd smell! I don’t mean to be rude, but the local people have a very peculiar smell to them! It’s NOT b.o. or sweat. I can only guess it must be a result of their diet? In any event, getting on a public city bus can be quite overwhelming! I have to admit to being very surprised about this… Since I’ve travelled through every other Asian country, riding on LOCAL buses, trains, vans and ferries I’ve spent lots of time surrounded by local people of various countries. And I have to say I’ve never encountered this before! Wonder what it is?!

cultural insights- Shanghai- China- electric bicycles

This One's Electric Too


>Electric bicycles! I don’t mean scooters or mopeds. Actual bicycles with an electric motor attached. It’s very odd to see people cruise by on a bike without pedaling, their feet resting on a platform. And they’re completely silent.

cultural insights- Shanghai- China- baby split pants

Baby's Butt


>Split-ass pants for little boys. Many toddlers grace the streets with their asses exposed! No underpants or pampers on those butts, just split pants and ass cheeks. Apparently it’s to make toilet duties easier… Ahhh, does that mean they doo-doo on the streets?


Hope you enjoyed these quirks of China as much as I did.


reporting from the road, Lash



Have you been to Shanghai or China?

If so, do you have anything to add to my list of curiosities? Share your discoveries! 


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