Is advertising on LashWorldTour right for you?
If you are a travel-related company who targets independent travelers, women, adventure and outdoors travelers, budget travelers, or solo travelers then LashWorldTour is right for your media plan.
LashWorldTour is a very rapidly growing travel blog with a promising long-term future.
Since February, 2011, LashWorldTour’s audience has grown exponentially, doubling nearly 4 times. Unique visitors have increased 15-fold. Page views have increased over 20-fold. I expect this trend to continue due to vastly improving SEO skills, more website exposure on guest posts, and regularly published material. I will be traveling the globe for another 10-15 years, so LashWorldTour is a long-term investment.
Statistics by Google Analytics: (all current as of September, 2013)
Google PR 3
DA: 37
PA: 42
monthly page views: 30,000+
monthly unique visitors: 10,000
search engine traffic: 64%
bounce rate: 0.60%
demog: the majority of LWT’s readers are university educated women and men, aged 25-45
demog: English-speaking Western countries 39% / Asian countries 38% / Europe 23%
FB friends and followers combined :2000+
Tw followers: 1500+
Advertising Options on LashWorldTour:
* Sidebar and footer advertising:
Text links
Banner ads of various dimensions
* Contextual Advertising
* Press Trips and reviews
* Public speaking
* Writing assignments
* Please contact me, Lash, to work out a mutually-agreeable partnership on any of these advertising options by email or via the following contact form. My name is Lash.
Founder/writer/editor of LashWorldTour:
A published author, Lash has been traveling the world nomadically for over 14 years- since 1998. Prior to that, she lived in Japan for 6 years. Her areas of travel expertise include: solo travel, women’s travel, cycle-travel, hiking and mountain climbing, scuba diving, budget travel, cultural arts, Japan, and SE Asia. She initiated LashWorldTour with 100+ travel stories and 28 photo galleries. Currently, there are 550+ posts.
LashWorldTour is moving forward with a 10-year business plan initiated in February, 2011. Plans include a much expanded Travel Tips section, several eBooks, product and destination reviews, and PR Trips.
In addition, Lash will continue publishing weekly travel stories, travel tips, travelers’ interviews and photo galleries. (min. 3 posts/week) Lash will pursue her nomadic world travels for the next 10-15 years, continually adding fresh material to LWT. In short, LashWorldTour will be around a long time.
* Please contact me, Lash, to work out a mutually-agreeable partnership on any of these advertising options by email or via the following contact form.
Hi! I'm Lash. Please feel free to contact me to comment on this blog, ask questions or say 'hi'. It's great to hear from you! cheers, Lash